[External] : Re: MonkeyTester suggestion

Andy Goryachev andy.goryachev at oracle.com
Thu Dec 5 20:27:16 UTC 2024

right click on the stage content gives you some options.


From: Thiago Milczarek Sayão <thiago.sayao at gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 12:25
To: Andy Goryachev <andy.goryachev at oracle.com>
Cc: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev at openjdk.org>
Subject: [External] : Re: MonkeyTester suggestion
Thanks for the addition. It’s great for testing.
I usually end up with a /tmp folder full of testing samples.
It’d be awesome to have a test menu in the opened window, where you could tweak things like resizing or adjusting content size, call sizeToScene().
No rush, though—just a thought for making it even handier!

Em qui., 5 de dez. de 2024 às 17:02, Andy Goryachev <andy.goryachev at oracle.com<mailto:andy.goryachev at oracle.com>> escreveu:
I've added a StagePage for now, available in the dev repo https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/MonkeyTest<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/MonkeyTest__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!L59zlmxQt-m0YynP5sDEMu6yZfR-maryIPdbQmqjUxT0Ib2V65O40H3oNhst7WS493Ii0z9D8qL-GgexNAL8ZPPrG6Q$> .

Observed a couple of issues:
- could not get TRANSPARENT stage to actually be transparent on macOS
- UTILITY stage gets opened with maximized bit set

Let me know what you think.


From: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev-retn at openjdk.org<mailto:openjfx-dev-retn at openjdk.org>> on behalf of Thiago Milczarek Sayão <thiago.sayao at gmail.com<mailto:thiago.sayao at gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 04:23
To: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev at openjdk.org<mailto:openjfx-dev at openjdk.org>>
Subject: MonkeyTester suggestion

Pardon me if this suggestion is already there and I somehow missed it.

It would be nice to have a "Window Operations" testing, including:

- Opening a window in different states (Minimized, Maximized, FullScreen);
- Changing the states after the window was opened;
- Window/View with minimum and maximum size;
- Setting the window position (before and after showing);
- Modal / Application Modal;
- Having a window that can be opened by view size, or setting the window size;
- Having a window that can change sizes;
- Test sizeToScene();
- Also vary the window initial style (DECORATED, TRANSPARENT, UNDECORATED)
- Owner / no Owner
- Open Dialogs / Alerts

I would also clean up the old manual tests and concentrate on this tool, which is nice.

-- Thiago.

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