Preview features for JavaFX
Johan Vos
johan.vos at
Wed Feb 7 10:33:26 UTC 2024
As for the maven releases for EA snapshots: you're right, we're not
building/publishing them weekly.
We have an increasing number of requests for builds for particular
configurations, and with the more frequent LTS versions, the total build
processes are taking more time. All those builds are free, and where we
used to get AWS credits for this, we don't have that any longer so it's all
paid for by us (Gluon).
Having said that, the automation in our build systems has improved
considerably over the last months, so I hope we can increase the cadence of
EA-snapshots again.
Sorry about the delays.
- Johan
On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 1:04 AM Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>
> Announcing new features and encouraging testing of those features is a
> good idea. We should do that more often, especially in cases where
> feedback on the API is important. Developers who are willing to download
> the ea builds (SDK or JMODs) can do so right away, since builds are
> published weekly.
> Gluon produces the maven releases, so Johan can probably answer the
> question about the frequency of EA snapshots in maven central.
> -- Kevin
> On 2/6/2024 6:54 AM, Christopher Schnick wrote:
> > I would add that during the 6 month release cycle, there is usually
> > some time to get new features out in an ea release and receive early
> > feedback that way. Maybe even in time that it can be incorporated into
> > the next release if it is reasonable.
> >
> > In this concrete case there was no ea build available in maven central
> > for 3 months that contained this new feature, so barely anyone used
> > it. As an application developer that likes to try out new features, I
> > would like to see more frequent maven releases, although I'm not sure
> > how much work that is and if it is automated. Even if it is not
> > possible to publish every early access release to maven, maybe push a
> > maven release out on important points during development of the
> > current release rather than in fixed intervals. One such important
> > point would have been the release of the platform preferences. I see
> > now that there is another ea release available on maven after a gap of
> > 3 months, but that one does not contain the fix for Windows color
> > schemes, so any Windows ea user will get a nonfunctional feature.
> >
> > Plus making maybe a small announcement when a new larger feature has
> > been released for the first time in early access and linking to the
> > appropriate maven release would result in a good real world test
> > coverage and discussions with other developers.
> >
> > Best
> > Christopher
> >
> > On 2/6/2024 8:32 AM, Robert Lichtenberger wrote:
> >> Seems like a good idea to me. From an application developer point of
> >> view I don't care if new parts are super-stable (they never really
> >> are). If they are marked as preview I'll take that as an additional
> >> caveat to not rely on API stability, etc.
> >>
> >>
> >> Robert
> >>
> >> Am 06.02.24 um 04:19 schrieb Michael Strauß:
> >>> The discussion around the new Platform Preferences API has brought up
> >>> a potential area where the API may lack a way to detect whether a
> >>> particular preference is supported on a particular operating system
> >>> [0].
> >>>
> >>> Discussions like these will invariably come up when new API is
> >>> released, and some of the real-world insights may prove to be very
> >>> valuable. However, with the current development process, we specify
> >>> and implement new features largely without feedback from application
> >>> developers. I know that, in principle, developers can join in on the
> >>> discussion on this mailing list. But the reality is that GA is the
> >>> first time that a new feature gets wider exposure.
> >>>
> >>> All of this makes it very hard for us to ship new features, since we
> >>> must be extremely careful to get it right the first time. The JDK uses
> >>> incubator modules and preview features to address these challenges. It
> >>> seems that OpenJFX will also potentially use an incubator module to
> >>> introduce new controls [1].
> >>>
> >>> This is great for modular features, but not so great for new API that
> >>> is added to existing infrastructure. Maybe we could add something akin
> >>> to preview features to OpenJFX: this could be as easy as documenting
> >>> the new API to be in preview, or decorate the new API with a
> >>> @PreviewFeature annotation. I don't think that it is necessary to go
> >>> beyond simple documentation; in particular, we don't need this to be
> >>> integrated with the Java compiler.
> >>>
> >>> Documenting new features to be preview features will enable us to ship
> >>> features quicker, and ensure that what we're building is actually
> >>> useful in the real world because we can actually go back and improve
> >>> aspects of a feature without worrying as much about backwards
> >>> compatibility.
> >>>
> >>> In particular, my suggestion is to ship the new Platform Preferences
> >>> API as a preview feature for jfx22.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> [0]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> [1]
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