Layout and property bindings question, what is allowed?

Nir Lisker nlisker at
Fri Feb 9 14:48:22 UTC 2024

You're thinking about the docs of the note in the bounds properties I think:

On Fri, Feb 9, 2024, 03:28 John Hendrikx <john.hendrikx at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in JavaFX docs, code or website that
> binding certain properties which are changed during layout is a really
> bad idea, but I can't find where I've seen this.  Anyone know what I mean?
> It was something like: binding the values of a property like
> width/height which are changed during layout to another property (which
> may in turn affect layout) should not be done, and one should be using
> properties like min/pref/max width/height.
> The reason I ask is because I'm running into a weird problem where I'm
> binding the value of ScrollPane.viewportBoundsProperty.width to a
> Label's text property.  What I noticed is that the Label simply is not
> updating correctly, and will display the correct value **BUT** use the
> previous value for its width calculation which causes the text to not
> fit -- the fact that it is displayed wrong is especially obvious when
> the Label's value switches between values like "312.0" and
> "313.333333333" where the 2nd value often gets an ellipsis (like
> "31...") because its width was computed based on "312.0".  What I see
> happening is this:
> - A splitpane is resized (with a scrollpane in it)
> - The ScrollPane's viewportBoundsProperty changes (in layoutChildren
> code of ScrollPaneSkin), so layout is already running...
> - A binding on viewportBoundsProperty.width updates the label text from
> "312.0" to "313.33333333"
> However, before that binding is executed, I see a call to
> `computePrefWidth` on the Label, which uses the old text (ie. "312.0")
> -- there is NO other call to computePrefWidth, so the layout process
> continues with an incorrect width value...
> When later the layout code of the Label is called, it concludes that the
> current width (based on the text "312.0") is insufficient to display
> "313.33333333", and so adds an ellipsis...
> So, I'm thinking this may be "expected" behavior -- I'm binding on a
> property that is updated during layout, and then making another change
> (to Label.text) which in turn should trigger a new layout.  However,
> that doesn't happen, and it just runs in the current layout, where it
> then uses part new, part old values (new text, but old width).
> Any insights are appreciated.
> --John
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