Proposal: JavaFX Incubator Modules

Philip Race philip.race at
Wed Feb 21 17:47:44 UTC 2024

1) The first thing that jumps out at me is the namespace : javafx.incubator

The JDK's JEP 11 says "An incubator module is identified by 
the|jdk.incubator.|prefix in its module name"
It says the same about the packages inside the module.
"An incubating API is identified by the|jdk.incubator.|prefix in its 
exported package names".

This is to avoid using the standard namespace prefixes for JDK of java. 
and javax. used for final APIs/modules.

So similarly I think JavaFX incubators should avoid the javafx. prefix 
and I suggest "jfx." be used instead.
This closely mirrors the "jdk." used in JEP 11, taking "java" out of the 
prefix and making it entirely an acronym,
for both module and package names.
The pain of updating your code when the API goes final can be eased by 
IDEs and is something you would
need to do anyway because "incubator" is in all the names in either case.

2) The second thing is you don't say what the steps are to promote the 
incubating module to final.
JEP 11 says a new JEP is needed for that, but it also says a new JEP is 
needed to re-incubate
which is something JavaFX will not require.
So do you expect it will be a new JEP for that ?
I think that would be best to do that as the JEP to propose the 
incubator could be several years old and stale by then.
You also don't say what it takes to drop it.

So how about the basic process is that the first JEP simply proposes the 
incubating module, once
it is in as you say it evolves by normal RFEs across releases ?
Then when it is EITHER ready to go final OR be removed, a new JEP must 
be proposed for that.
A removal JEP should generally be quite short :-)

So I suggest to add a sentence along those lines to the proposal.
"To either make the API of an incubating module final, or to remove it, 
then a new JEP should be submitted,
referencing the incubator JEP".

3) The "reasonably small number of JavaFX releases" is I am sure 
intentionally vague, but perhaps
we could say
(1) Incubators which span beyond a 24 month period and are not yet ready 
will need
a simple public approval from the project lead to remain for some 
additiional period at the discretion
of the Project Lead by adding a simple comment in the JEP, otherwise the 
Project Lead will submit a removal JEP and
(2) the submitter of the JEP can propose to remove it at any time.


On 2/21/24 9:37 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> JEP 11 [1] defines a process for delivering non-final JDK APIs in 
> incubator modules.
> Similarly, some JavaFX APIs would benefit from spending a period of 
> time in a JavaFX release prior to being deemed stable. I propose 
> JavaFX incubator modules as a means of putting non-final API in the 
> hands of developers, while the API progresses towards either 
> finalization or removal in a future release. This is especially useful 
> for complex features with a large API surface.
> The JavaFX proposal is largely the same as the JDK one, but has some 
> important differences.
> Please take a look at the preliminary proposal [2]. I have also 
> created a Draft PR [3], for illustrative purposes only, to show how 
> this might work.
> Please reply to this message with any feedback.
> Thanks.
> -- Kevin
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]
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