HEADS-UP: Threading restriction for Animation play, pause, stop now enforced

Jurgen Doll javafx at ivoryemr.co.za
Mon Jan 22 10:56:36 UTC 2024

Hi Michael

It seems we are misunderstanding one another.

Firstly I agree that the animation code itself must and always has run  
only on the FX thread.

So for example in the following code:

    new KeyFrame( Duration.seconds(2.5), event ->
       int maxMemory = ....;
       int usedMemory = ....;
       memoryLabel.setText( usedMemory +" MB / "+ maxMemory +" MB" );

The lambda part ALWAYS executes on the FX thread by default, no matter on  
which thread this KeyFrame is created.

And we all agree that the following is ILLEGAL:

    new KeyFrame( Duration.seconds(2.5), event ->
       new Thread( () -> memoryLabel.setText( usedMemory +" MB / "+  
maxMemory +" MB" ) ).start();

With the above clarified, what I'm contending is that the following can be  
excuted on any thread:

    var updater = new Timeline
       new KeyFrame( Duration.seconds(2.5), event ->
          int maxMemory = ....;
          int usedMemory = ....;
          memoryLabel.setText( usedMemory +" MB / "+ maxMemory +" MB" );

The reason is because play, stop, and pause simply causes the Timeline to  
be added too or removed from an array in AbstractPrimaryTimer. If a pulse  
is busy executing so that the array is currently being accessed by the FX  
thread then a copy of the array is made and the addition/removal is made  
to the copy. (However there is a bug in this code that causes an NPE under  
certain conditions.)

So when the API documentation says that it's asynchronous it means that  
the 'animation' execution may not yet have started/stopped when the call  
returns depending on when during the pulse the method was invoked. If play  
is invoked just before the next pulse then the 'animation' could be  
running, or if stop is invoked just as a pulse completes then it will not  
be executing. Otherwise the 'animation' will only actually be (not)  
executing in the next pulse.

Hope this clarifies things.


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