HEADS-UP: Threading restriction for Animation play, pause, stop now enforced USE CASE
John Hendrikx
john.hendrikx at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 15:58:20 UTC 2024
This seems like a reasonable use case, and perhaps this was the original
intent of the "asynchronous call" documentation.
The problem though is that the play/stop code does not seem to take into
account being called from a different thread (there are several
synchronization issues when I delved into that code).
So then there's a choice to make I think, either:
- Disallow it completely, and have users wrap it into Platform.runLater()
- Have play/stop do the wrapping itself
- Make the methods thread safe by fixing the synchronization issues
On 22/01/2024 11:59, Jurgen Doll wrote:
> Here's an example as requested by Nir:
> publicclassFxTimeLineTest extendsApplication
> {
> privateBorderPane bp= newBorderPane( newLabel("Loading") );
> publicstaticvoidmain( String[] args) {
> launch( FxTimeLineTest.class, args);
> }
> @Override
> publicvoidstart( Stage primaryStage) throwsException {
> newThread( newLoadScene() ).start();
> primaryStage.setScene( newScene( bp, 300, 200 ) );
> primaryStage.setTitle( "Memory Usage");
> primaryStage.show();
> }
> privateclassLoadScene extendsTask<Parent> {
> @OverrideprotectedParent call() throwsException {
> Parent p= FXMLLoader.load( getClass().getResource("TestView.fxml") );
> Thread.sleep( 1000 );
> returnp;
> }
> @Overrideprotectedvoidsucceeded() {
> bp.setCenter( getValue() );
> }
> @Overrideprotectedvoidfailed() {
> getException().printStackTrace();
> }
> }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> publicclassTestView
> {
> @FXMLprivateLabel memory;
> privatestaticfinaldoubleMEGABYTE= 1024 * 1024;
> @FXMLprivatevoidinitialize()
> {
> varupdater= newTimeline
> (
> newKeyFrame( Duration.seconds(2.5), event->
> {
> varruntime= Runtime.getRuntime();
> doublemaxMemory= runtime.maxMemory() / MEGABYTE;
> doubleusedMemory= (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) /
> memory.setText( (int) usedMemory+ " MB / "+ (int) maxMemory+" MB");
> })
> );
> updater.setCycleCount(Animation.INDEFINITE); // This FXML is being
> loaded on a background thread
> updater.play();
> }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TestView.fxml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
> <?import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane?>
> <StackPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="TestView">
> <children>
> <Label fx:id="memory" text="Current / Max MB" >
> <properties hashCode="12345" />
> </Label>
> </children>
> </StackPane>
> On Sat, 20 Jan 2024 17:08:41 +0200, Nir Lisker <nlisker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jurgen,
> What I'm confused about the most is what it is you are actually
> trying to do that necessitates the use of animations outside of
> the FX thread. You said that you need to initialize controls on
> another thread, and that you are using Task (both of which are
> fine), but how does playing animations relate? Playing an
> animation is something that is done explicitly, usually in order
> to manipulate data. Can you give a real use case, like a minimized
> version of what you're doing?
> - Nir
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