Binding properties to constant values
John Hendrikx
john.hendrikx at
Tue Jan 30 13:30:50 UTC 2024
Hi Michael,
I think we first need to decide what the correct behavior is for CSS
properties, as the "bind" solution IMHO is a bug.
The StyleOrigin enum encodes the relative priorities of styles and user
set values, but it is incomplete and not fully enforced. There is
(currently) actually a 5th level (next to USER_AGENT, USER, AUTHOR and
INLINE) where it checks the binding state (it has no choice, as it will
get an exception otherwise, or has to call `unbind` first). Whether
that's a bug or should more formally be accepted as the correct behavior
remains to be seen. Also the AUTHOR and INLINE levels are only best
effort, as setting a value in code (USER level) will override AUTHOR and
INLINE values **temporarily** until the next CSS pass...
So first questions to answer IMHO are:
1) Does it make sense to treat values set in code (which IMHO should
always be the last word on anything) as less important than values from
AUTHOR and INLINE styles? This is specified in the CSS document, but
not fully enforced.
2) Should bound values (which IMHO fall under "values set from code") be
able to override AUTHOR and INLINE styles? Why are they being treated
differently at all? Which StyleOrigin level do they fall under?
"USER"? A 5th level with higher priority than "INLINE"?
3) Should properties which hold an AUTHOR or INLINE value reject calls
to `setValue` (to make it clear they are temporary and that your code is
probably wrong)? This currently is not in line with the CSS document.
Note that this will be slightly annoying for the CSS engine as it may
not be able to "reset" such values as easily as before (which is
probably the reason it currently works the way it does, but that's no
excuse IMHO).
As for your potential solution, if you introduce a constant binding
system (to solve a CSS problem), does that make sense for properties as
a whole? What can be achieved with `bindConstant` that can't be done
with `setValue`? `bindConstant` will become the "setter" that always
works (never throws an exception...), but probably at a higher cost than
using `setValue`. Would it not make more sense to only have such
methods on the Styleable properties (which can then also signal this by
using an even higher precedence StyleOrigin instead of relying on
bound/unbound) once there is agreement on the above questions?
In other words, I'd look more in the direction of providing users with a
better "setter" only for CSS properties, that also uses a different
StyleOrigin, and to bring both binding and setting in line with the CSS
document's specification (or alternatively, to change that
specification). This means that the normal setter provided next to the
property method (ie. setXXX) would have to default to some standard
behavior, while a more specific setter provided on the property itself
can have an overriding behavior, something like:
setX() -> calls cssProperty.setValue()
cssProperty.setValue() -> sets values if not originated from an
AUTHOR or INLINE stylesheet, otherwise throws exception (as if bound)
cssProperty.forceValue() -> sets value unconditionally, setting
StyleOrigin to some new to introduce 5th level
Binding can then either be categorized as the StyleOrigin.FORCED or if
it is StyleOrigin.USER, the CSS engine is free to **unbind** if the need
On 30/01/2024 09:25, Michael Strauß wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the following proposal,
> which could increase the expressiveness of the JavaFX Property API:
> Problem
> -------
> The JavaFX CSS system applies the following order of precedence to
> determine the value of a styleable property (in ascending
> specificity):
> 1. user-agent stylesheets
> 2. values set from code
> 3. Scene stylesheets
> 4. Parent stylesheets
> 5. inline styles
> While this system works quite well in general, applications sometimes
> need to override individual property values from code. However, this
> doesn't work reliably in the presence of Scene or Parent stylesheets.
> There are two usual workarounds to solve this problem:
> A) Use an inline style instead of setting the property value directly.
> This is obviously not a good solution, as you'll lose the strong
> typing afforded by the Java language. Additionally, the value must be
> a true constant, it can't be an expression or the result of a
> computation.
> B) Create an `ObservableValue` instance that holds the desired value,
> and bind the property to it.
> This is a much better solution. However, what we really want is just
> the binding semantics: the bound property becomes unmodifiable and has
> the highest precedence in the CSS cascade. But the API only gives us
> binding semantics if we give it an `ObservableValue`.
> Solution
> --------
> I'm proposing to separate the toggles "binding semantics" and
> "observability". While observability requires you to provide an
> `ObservableValue`, binding semantics should work with both observable
> and regular values.
> This is a powerful addition to the Property API, since it increases
> the expressiveness of the API in a natural way:
> // instead of:
> rect.setStyle("-fx-fill: red; -fx-width: 200");
> // you can use strongly-typed Java code:
> rect.fillProperty().bindConstant(Color.RED);
> rect.widthProperty().bindConstant(200);
> Since the `bindConstant` method accepts a value of the property type,
> all features of the Java language can be used to fill in the value.
> Implementation
> --------------
> The following method will be added to the `Property` interface:
> default void bindConstant(T value) {
> bind(ObjectConstant.valueOf(value));
> }
> Specialized methods will be added to `BooleanProperty`,
> `DoubleProperty`, `FloatProperty`, `IntegerProperty`, and
> `LongProperty`, each with one of the preexisting constant wrappers
> that are already in the framework.
> Some wrappers can be deduplicated (we only ever need two wrapper
> instances for boolean values).
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