consistent naming for tests

John Hendrikx john.hendrikx at
Tue Jul 9 15:22:20 UTC 2024

On 09/07/2024 16:52, Andy Goryachev wrote:
> Two test files consistently generate an error in Eclipse
> - ObservableValueFluentBindingsTest
> - LazyObjectBindingTest
> I admit I have a weird setup (EncFS on Linux Mint running on MacBook 
> Pro), and it only manifests itself in Eclipse and not in the gradle 
> build - perhaps Eclipse actually verifies the removal of files?
> Anyway, a suggestion - if you use @Nested, please keep the class names 
> /short/.
This is not an Eclipse bug as I never encounter such issues.  143 
characters is rather short these days, but I suppose we could limit the 
nesting a bit.  Still, I'd look into a way to alleviate this problem in 
your setup, sooner or later this is going to be a problem.

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