consistent naming for tests

Johan Vos johan.vos at
Wed Jul 10 07:25:03 UTC 2024

Thanks all for commenting.
What I have read so far seems that there is an agreement for this approach:
* don't prefix tests with `test` anymore
* use a (somehow) descriptive name
* add a comment that refers to the JBS issue that this test is dealing with
* (optional) in case the test or test scenario is complex, add a comment
that briefly describes what is being tested.

If that is in line with what most people want, I can create a PR to add
this to the file.

- Johan

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 1:36 AM Nir Lisker <nlisker at> wrote:

> * in some cases, tests are always prefixed with `test` (e.g. `testFoo()`)
>> * in some cases, tests have a concise but somehow meaningful name (e.g.
>> `testScrollBarStaysVisible`)
> Prefixing 'test' was an old convention for testing frameworks. I have been
> dropping that prefix in my projects since I'm in a test
> class/package/source folder anyway, and it's not like there're methods in a
> test class that aren't used for testing. I also use long descriptive names,
> like 'newValueNotSetIfOldValueWasInvalid()' or, alternatively,
> 'doNotSetNewValueIfOldValueWasInvalid()'. John's nesting names are also
> good when nesting is appropriate.
> * in some cases, tests refer to JBS issues (e.g. testJDK8309935)
> * in some cases, the test is explained in comments.
> I don't like JBS numbers as names, but I like them as links in a comment.
> I prefer the name of the test and methods to be self-explanatory, like in
> non-test code, rather than comments. However, sometimes comments are needed
> because of tricky or non-trivial situations, which is part of what tests
> are for.
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>
> wrote:
>> This might be a combination of Eclipse and eCryptfs. I agree that 143
>> chars is very short for a max length.
>> -- Kevin
>> On 7/9/2024 8:22 AM, John Hendrikx wrote:
>> On 09/07/2024 16:52, Andy Goryachev wrote:
>> Two test files consistently generate an error in Eclipse
>> - ObservableValueFluentBindingsTest
>> - LazyObjectBindingTest
>> I admit I have a weird setup (EncFS on Linux Mint running on MacBook
>> Pro), and it only manifests itself in Eclipse and not in the gradle build -
>> perhaps Eclipse actually verifies the removal of files?
>> Anyway, a suggestion - if you use @Nested, please keep the class names
>> *short*.
>> This is not an Eclipse bug as I never encounter such issues.  143
>> characters is rather short these days, but I suppose we could limit the
>> nesting a bit.  Still, I'd look into a way to alleviate this problem in
>> your setup, sooner or later this is going to be a problem.
>> --John
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