Proposal: JavaFX Incubator Modules

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Mar 1 22:36:23 UTC 2024

I updated the Incubator Modules proposal to address Phil's feedback, 
along with updating the example incubator module:

-- Kevin

On 2/22/2024 2:32 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Something like this might be reasonable as long as we also add "and 
> hasn't been modified in the current release". I could easily image the 
> case where an incubating feature goes into, say JavaFX 26 in March, 
> and by the time feedback comes in that prompts a change in the API, 
> it's July or August already, meaning that any changes will go into 
> JavaFX 28.
> The time between when a feature first released (in a GA release) and 
> the feature freeze for the next release is only a little over 3 months 
> (which is why most features will incubate for at least two releases).
> -- Kevin
> On 2/22/2024 1:08 PM, Philip Race wrote:
>> W.r.t to (3) perhaps we could include in the write up an expectation 
>> that continued incubation implies continued updates.
>> Meaning if there are no updates in a release then that either means 
>> it is ready to be final next time round, or that the
>> author is no longer actively pursuing it and this should inform the 
>> Project Lead as to what action should be taken next.
>> -phil.
>> On 2/21/24 1:55 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>> These are all good points.
>>> 1. I agree. This seems like a good idea for all the reasons you mention.
>>> 2. I'll add the additional information. And I like your suggestion 
>>> to require a JEP (*) to either drop or finalize an incubating feature.
>>> 3. Yes, I was deliberately vague on what constitutes a reasonable 
>>> amount of time. Given that we are changing the default to 
>>> "re-incubate" it does make sense to have a "soft timeout" so 
>>> incubating features don't incubate forever without an intentional 
>>> action to keep them alive.
>>> I'll update the proposal accordingly.
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> (*) We don't exactly follow the JEP process as described in JEP 2, 
>>> but for larger features we expect a proposal that touches on the 
>>> important points in a JEP-like document and is discussed on the 
>>> mailing list. That's what we mean when we say "needs a JEP".
>>> On 2/21/2024 9:47 AM, Philip Race wrote:
>>>> 1) The first thing that jumps out at me is the namespace : 
>>>> javafx.incubator
>>>> The JDK's JEP 11 says "An incubator module is identified by 
>>>> the|jdk.incubator.|prefix in its module name"
>>>> It says the same about the packages inside the module.
>>>> "An incubating API is identified by the|jdk.incubator.|prefix in 
>>>> its exported package names".
>>>> This is to avoid using the standard namespace prefixes for JDK of 
>>>> java. and javax. used for final APIs/modules.
>>>> So similarly I think JavaFX incubators should avoid the javafx. 
>>>> prefix and I suggest "jfx." be used instead.
>>>> This closely mirrors the "jdk." used in JEP 11, taking "java" out 
>>>> of the prefix and making it entirely an acronym,
>>>> for both module and package names.
>>>> The pain of updating your code when the API goes final can be eased 
>>>> by IDEs and is something you would
>>>> need to do anyway because "incubator" is in all the names in either 
>>>> case.
>>>> 2) The second thing is you don't say what the steps are to promote 
>>>> the incubating module to final.
>>>> JEP 11 says a new JEP is needed for that, but it also says a new 
>>>> JEP is needed to re-incubate
>>>> which is something JavaFX will not require.
>>>> So do you expect it will be a new JEP for that ?
>>>> I think that would be best to do that as the JEP to propose the 
>>>> incubator could be several years old and stale by then.
>>>> You also don't say what it takes to drop it.
>>>> So how about the basic process is that the first JEP simply 
>>>> proposes the incubating module, once
>>>> it is in as you say it evolves by normal RFEs across releases ?
>>>> Then when it is EITHER ready to go final OR be removed, a new JEP 
>>>> must be proposed for that.
>>>> A removal JEP should generally be quite short :-)
>>>> So I suggest to add a sentence along those lines to the proposal.
>>>> "To either make the API of an incubating module final, or to remove 
>>>> it, then a new JEP should be submitted,
>>>> referencing the incubator JEP".
>>>> 3) The "reasonably small number of JavaFX releases" is I am sure 
>>>> intentionally vague, but perhaps
>>>> we could say
>>>> (1) Incubators which span beyond a 24 month period and are not yet 
>>>> ready will need
>>>> a simple public approval from the project lead to remain for some 
>>>> additiional period at the discretion
>>>> of the Project Lead by adding a simple comment in the JEP, 
>>>> otherwise the Project Lead will submit a removal JEP and
>>>> (2) the submitter of the JEP can propose to remove it at any time.
>>>> -phil.
>>>> On 2/21/24 9:37 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>> JEP 11 [1] defines a process for delivering non-final JDK APIs in 
>>>>> incubator modules.
>>>>> Similarly, some JavaFX APIs would benefit from spending a period 
>>>>> of time in a JavaFX release prior to being deemed stable. I 
>>>>> propose JavaFX incubator modules as a means of putting non-final 
>>>>> API in the hands of developers, while the API progresses towards 
>>>>> either finalization or removal in a future release. This is 
>>>>> especially useful for complex features with a large API surface.
>>>>> The JavaFX proposal is largely the same as the JDK one, but has 
>>>>> some important differences.
>>>>> Please take a look at the preliminary proposal [2]. I have also 
>>>>> created a Draft PR [3], for illustrative purposes only, to show 
>>>>> how this might work.
>>>>> Please reply to this message with any feedback.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2] 
>>>>> [3]
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