JEP: JavaFX controls in the title bar

Thiago Milczarek Sayão thiago.sayao at
Wed Oct 23 10:15:15 UTC 2024


I trust you on this one. I'm just throwing out some ideas, so maybe It
triggers a better idea :)

Ensemble8 has the "Advanced Stage" example. While it's a little unpractical
for a production application, some developers
might want to have different shapes of stages. So maybe it could be a
functionality that can be used outside of the
EXTENDED window type. So what I'm suggesting is to decouple the resize
grips and the window drag functionality
from the EXTENDED type and allow general usage.

It would possibly allow designs that "fuses" the HeaderBar with the body,
like chrome tabs for example.

Hope it makes sense.

Em ter., 22 de out. de 2024 às 23:59, Michael Strauß <
michaelstrau2 at> escreveu:

> Hi Thiago!
> If you use gtk_window_set_decorated() to remove the server-side title
> bar, you also invariably lose the resizable window borders as they are
> considered to be part of the "decoration".
> We need the EXTENDED window style because it is materially different
> from all of the other styles. The most important difference is that it
> delegates non-client hit-testing to JavaFX, which is what makes this
> feature work in the first place.
> I'll look into options for rounded corners on Linux, but we need to
> make sure that it works out of the box. This means that we can't
> impose Linux-specific implementation requirements on application
> developers.
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 4:42 AM Thiago Milczarek Sayão
> <thiago.sayao at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > Thank you for this effort.
> >
> > It would be nice to have a TRANSPARENT window type with the HeaderBar so
> it would be possible to have rounded corners on Linux.
> >
> > I was going to suggest to not have a special window type (EXTENDED) at
> all but then remembered the resize grips. Maybe they can be enabled another
> way? Shouldn't they be present if the stage is resizeable?
> >
> >
> > I did an attempt on this here:
> >
> >
> > It was an initial attempt, so don't mind it too much. I gave up because
> I don't know how to do it on windows and I would have to sell my house to
> buy a Mac :)
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