JEP: JavaFX controls in the title bar

Michael Strauß michaelstrau2 at
Fri Oct 25 16:45:33 UTC 2024

> - Right-click system menu: is there any way to provide this functionality somehow?  May be as a method in the HeaderBar?

This is probably more a question of whether we want to have this, not
of whether it is possible. The right-click system menu is a
Windows-only thing, it's not available on macOS and Linux.
As the name implies, the system menu is very system-dependent. Do we
want to add a system-dependent menu to a cross-platform framework?
If applications want to have a HeaderBar context menu, they can easily
add their own JavaFX ContextMenu.
Let's suppose we add the default system menu only on Windows. Then if
an application adds its own ContextMenu to HeaderBar, we would
probably expect the JavaFX ContextMenu to replace the default system

> Could you please add these two columns to the table, even if they contain N/A.


> - left/rightSystemInsets: thank you, you probably want to clarify that in these properties' javadoc.


> - HeaderBar height: my question was what should the application developers do in order to make the height of the bar to be the same as the native one?  Maybe there should be a constant similar to Region.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE to accomplish that?

We could change the layout algorithm such that HeaderBar.minHeight is
ignored when it is less than the height of the system insets. However,
that would restrict the flexibility of application developers
(HeaderBar is resizable, after all).
Another option is that application developers could do something like this:

        () -> Math.max(headerBar.getLeftSystemInset().getHeight(),

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