3D performance

Stefan Prelle stefan at prelle.org
Sun Nov 25 13:26:32 UTC 2018


I am currently investigating writing a 3D space shooter in Java and
came across a performance issue, I am not sure I understand.

I am testing on a Linux machine with a GeForce 960.

My first attempt was without JavaFX, using the JMonkeyEngine and the
nouveau driver, running on Java 11. The performance for my minimal
example was very good.

My second attempt was Java 11 plus OpenJFX 11.01 (still nouveau
driver). I just loaded an OBJ file, applied textures and rotated it
with an AnimationTimer. The performance was poor, sluggish. 

My last attempt was the same, but with the proprietary nvidia driver.
That again looked smooth.

I can understand that the proprietary NVIDIA driver performs better
than the open source nouveau - but I am still surprised that the
JMonkeyEngine is that much faster than JavaFX. My understanding was
that both rely on the underlying OpenGL layer, so I expected only minor
performance differences.

Can someone explain what I am missing?


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