A mailinglist for general JavaFX related discussions

Johan Vos johan.vos at gluonhq.com
Tue Oct 2 09:36:15 UTC 2018


Welcome to the new mailinglist related to JavaFX:
openjfx-discuss at openjdk.java.net <openjfx-interest at openjdk.java.net> (manage
subscriptions via http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo)

The reason this list is created, is to allow individuals and companies,
developers and managers, consumers and providers, to discuss their
ideas/experiences/suggestions related to JavaFX.

This list has a different purpose than the openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net mailing
list, which is focused on the OpenJFX code, bugs and features.

There is sometimes a blurry line between the two, but in general, technical
discussions should happen at openjfx-dev while general discussions should
take place at openjfx-discuss.

Please avoid cross-posting in the two lists. In case of doubt, the
openjfx-discuss list is most likely the most appropriate one.

With this new list, we hope to see more stakeholders actively joining the
OpenJFX community.

Welcome, and thanks,

- Johan

More information about the openjfx-discuss mailing list