Gitter chat + StackOverflow [was: Concatenating transforms to scale positions but not objects]

fastegal at fastegal at
Tue Aug 13 15:36:47 UTC 2019

Agreed: questions that require extensive discussion are off scope at  
SO (which is clearly stated in its question help pages).

Just: Providing a good question is immenently important to get a good  
answer - that holds for questions of arbitrary complexity.

'nough off topic for me, hope we find a home for discussion-requiring  

Zitat von Mark Raynsford <org.openjdk at>:

> (moved to openjfx-discuss)
> On 2019-08-13T06:49:18 -0500
> Eric Bresie <ebresie at> wrote:
>> They don’t appear to be rejecting it per say...It sounds like they  
>> just want clear and concise question with code snippets (apparently  
>> not a link to the code) added and what the desired behavior is.
> Not to beat a dead horse, but that's exactly the problem: If the
> problem can't be phrased such that a straightforward trivial answer can
> be given, then the question is automatically deemed to be off-topic. The
> setup precludes any kind of lengthy discussion which may be required to
> work out what the actual underlying problem is. I've done as much as I
> can to work out my problem, but I need help from people who understand
> JavaFX better than I do. StackOverflow is clearly not suited to this
> kind of discussion.
> --
> Mark Raynsford |

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