AWT is somewhat dead, will JavaFX survive?

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at
Tue Oct 1 16:28:46 UTC 2024

Le 2024-10-01 à 18 h 20, Philip Race a écrit :

> When you get to the data sizes you are talking about, which may 
> require image tiling even today, and the kinds of image filters and 
> processing being  applied, it is maybe more a 'server' application as 
> a 'client' one. So I think we would want headless FX too. 
Indeed, image tiling is critical, which java.awt.image.RenderedImage 
supports well and is one of the important features to keep that I had in 
mind. But it is true that if done in JavaFX, it would require an 
headless FX (for something equivalent to java.awt.Graphics2D too).


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