hg: panama/panama: Enhancement: add IntelliJ run configuration for jextract

maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Aug 17 16:21:46 UTC 2017

Changeset: 48588f772237
Author:    mcimadamore
Date:      2017-08-17 17:17 +0100
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/panama/panama/rev/48588f772237

Enhancement: add IntelliJ run configuration for jextract
Create a Java application launcher for jextract. The launcher overrides LD_LIBRARY_PATH to allow binding with clang shared library (whose path is known to the build system).

! common/bin/idea.sh
! make/idea/idea.gmk

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