VectorAPI: JMH performance testing infrastructure review

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at
Sat Aug 18 06:25:57 UTC 2018

Hi Jp,

Nice work!

Some comments:

The webrev doesn't include benchmark sources.


   public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
       Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
       new Runner(opt).run();

I'd prefer to see main() replaced with annotations and standard JMH 
launcher to be used. In my experience, it's much more convenient.

Having a Maven project pre-generated would be a big plus as well.


     static final int INVOC_COUNT = 
Integer.getInteger("jdk.incubator.vector.test.loop-iterations", 100);

There's @Param("100") available. If JMH launcher is used, default value 
can be overriden with "-p INVOC_COUNT=value".


     static void addByte128VectorTests() {
         byte[] a = fa.apply(SPECIES.length());
         byte[] b = fb.apply(SPECIES.length());
         byte[] r = new byte[a.length];

Source/destination arrays allocation/initialization is part of the 
benchmark. Why not move it to setup step (method marked with 
@Setup(Level.Iteration)), cache arrays into instance fields, and reuse 
them in the benchmarks?


     static final IntFunction<byte[]> fa = (length) -> {
       byte[] arr = new byte[length];
     static void addByte128VectorTests() {
         byte[] a = fa.apply(SPECIES.length());
         for (int ic = 0; ic < INVOC_COUNT; ic++) {
             for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += SPECIES.length()) {
                 ByteVector<Shapes.S128Bit> av = SPECIES.fromArray(a, i);
                 ByteVector<Shapes.S128Bit> bv = SPECIES.fromArray(b, i);
                 av.add(bv).intoArray(r, i);

Arrays are precisely the size of vector. So, inner loop has only 1 
iteration. I'd prefer to see INVOC_COUNT replaced with a parameter 
controlling the size of the arrays.

Also, it's important to control data size to be able to exclude L1/2/3 
cache effects from consideration.

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 13/08/2018 18:41, Halimi, Jean-Philippe wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have uploaded a webrev allowing automatic generation of VectorAPI JMH performance test source files along with the regular unit tests that are already generated by the VectorAPI testing infrastructure.
> I had to modify the template files and the core scripting that handles the source generation. Please let me know what your thoughts are! :)
> You can find the webrev here:
> The JMH performance test files have not been tested, but should work with Maven.
> Thank you,
> Jp

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