[foreign] Pulling the string on Scope

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Dec 21 23:52:07 UTC 2018

On 20/12/2018 21:32, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>> I think that could be ok as long as there's, as you say, one memory 
>> region per
>> resource - but what if we want more resources to share the same
>> region? Do we really want to allocate a new memory region every time
>> we allocate a new pointer?
> We don't allocate a new memory region every time. I have created a 
> BoundedMemoryRegion subclass that can have another region as a 
> dependency. So, for instance when accessing an element of an array I 
> just create a BoundedMermoryRegion that is dependent on the 
> BoundedMemoryRegion of the array, but not actually allocates any new 
> native memory. If the array's BoundedMemoryRegion is closed, the 
> dependent region will also no longer be alive.

The reason I asked is that if you have a 1-N mapping between region and 
resources (e.g. one region can spawn multiple resources) but what you 
move to/from Scopes are resources, you still have issues.

Let's say that I have a region M with resources R1 and R2.

Initially both R1 and R2 belongs to scope S1.

After a while, you decide to assign R2 to a more long-lived scope S2. So 
now S1 has R1 and S2 has R2.

Then, the short-lived scope S1 is closed, and its single resource (R1) 
is collected. But what does that mean? If we really free R1, then we end 
up making R2 dead as well, even though that was in another scope - that 
means that the operation that the client did (assign R2 to S2, 
presumably to extend its life-cycle) has been rendered useless.

If, on the other hand, we do not collect R1, we end up with a (small) 
leak. And extra complexity to keep track dependencies between resources 
(reference counting?)

In general with the model with you suggest, it seems like the lifecycle 
of a resource has now two masters - scopes and memory region, and that 
seems to create more complexity.

Stepping back, I'm more and more convinced that the Scope abstraction is 
doing way too many things at once (and this has been brought up before 
by John and others). It seems like Scope is the API that does 
allocation, as well as the API that manages life-cycles. If we zoom in 
on allocation, we find two different levels of allocation: low level 
memory region allocation, and high level allocateXYZ functionalities. 
I'll cover this in an email that I will send in a separate thread, as i 
don't want to overlap discussions too much.


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