JMOD, native libraries and the packaging of JavaFX

Samuel Audet samuel.audet at
Fri May 11 02:31:14 UTC 2018

The issue isn't just about /loading/ shared libraries, it's also about 
/linking/ with these libraries using native toolchains. That usually 
requires at least the header files, and possibly other files for 
pkg-config and what not. Unless we really want to revamp how GCC, Clang, 
and MSVC work as well, it's probably a good idea to stick with files. 
And the JDK should provide a standard way of caching resources to files!

That's what is happening with, for example, Caffe depending on OpenCV, 
OpenBLAS, and HDF5 here:

Some developers might want to use only OpenCV, others might want to use 
Caffe, which depends on OpenCV, and yet others (Cyprien, for example) 
actually do need to write native code in C++ and link with *both* OpenCV 
and Caffe as well as write Java classes that also use *both* OpenCV and 
Caffe... That's pretty basic stuff! But I'm getting the impression that 
we're not thinking about this here. Let's please keep this in mind!


On 05/11/2018 12:05 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
> I couldn't find any support in FreeBSD, although there is "fdlopen", which
> opens a shared library direct from a file descriptor. I haven't tried it.
> Loading a library from a file or memory region is an obvious use case
> that'd be helpful for anyone who wants to distribute programs in the form
> of single files (whether jars or exes or elf binaries), but it's not well
> supported. Here's a bit of background on why not.
> The blame can mostly be laid at the feet of the ubiquitous performance
> optimisation mmap/MapViewOfFile. The idea is, map your shared library into
> memory and let the kernel lazily load only what's needed instead of the
> whole thing. In the days when memory was very scarce and disks were very
> slow this could be a big help. Unfortunately it imposes some strict limits
> on what you can do. Kernels really want mmaps to be page-aligned at every
> level, so, you can't tell the kernel to map a shared library starting from
> some arbitrary offset in the file. This *could* be supported, but isn't,
> presumably to simplify kernel code.
> I was curious if it's still the case that mmap is so important. Putting
> aside the question of OS support, would you lose a lot of performance by
> just loading the file into memory all at once with regular file IO and then
> adjusting the page permissions using mmap afterwards?
> Shared libraries are not very large by modern standards. HotSpot libjvm is
> 13mb on macOS, and the largest DSO I found in my Linux
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu directory was which weighs in
> at a generous 25 megabytes. ICU is rare (it's mostly Unicode data tables
> which are enormous). The next largest is libgs (ghostscript) which is 16mb.
> So it seems plausible that 15-20mb is about the largest shared library Java
> users are likely to want to load (that's a LOT of C++!).
> Running a simple benchmark on a cheap Linode VM:
> root at plan99:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
> root at plan99:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# time cat
>> /dev/null
> real 0m0.046s
> user 0m0.000s
> sys 0m0.013s
> 46 msec to load a 25 megabyte DSO into memory from disk? 8msec to do it
> again when hot in the cache? mmap is surely instant, but it's not clear to
> me that mmap matters much anymore if you're already paying the cost of
> interpreting/jit compiling. In an age where people routinely ship apps
> as *entire
> operating systems* (Docker images), it feels like we're being held back
> here by obsolete optimisations.
> Unfortunately on most platforms the system dynamic linker has special
> privileges. Debuggers handshake with it, and on Windows only the OS linker
> can produce an HMODULE even though HMODULE is just a pointer to the base
> address of the mapped image. HMODULEs are in turn required by a few old
> Windows APIs. So, using a custom linker imposes some small sacrifices.
> I'll leave the topic here.

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