Binding a single function symbol with [foreign]
Jorn Vernee
jbvernee at
Thu Sep 6 21:58:39 UTC 2018
Hi Maurizio,
The API points you give look pretty much like what I had in mind!
Though I'm wondering if the `MethodType`/`Class<?>` parameters are
needed? From what I understood there is a 1 to 1 mapping from a native
method signature to a Java method signature, so I'd assume there is also
a 1 to 1 mapping possible from a `Layout` to a `MethodType` or
`Class<?>`? So instead of passing the `MethodType`/`Class<?>` as a
separate argument, could it be derived automatically from the
`Function`/`Layout` argument?
The use case I was thinking of was the ability to use a dynamic library
without having access to a header file that describes the interface of
that library. It occurred to me that a dynamic library in some cases
holds all the information you need to invoke one of it's functions, or
the user can provide the missing information manually, so it should
technically be possible to invoke a function without also needing to
have have the header file. For instance, some languages (I believe C++
for one [1]) use decorated function names to also capture the type
signature of a function in the resulting library symbol, and it should
be possible to automatically derive a `Layout` from that. It seems like
the additional steps of parsing a header file, and spinning a Java
artifact are not always necessary.
Another use case might be dynamically generated native code (generated
during the lifetime of our Java process). For instance, to support
template functions or function-like macros, one not-so-convenient
solution would be to let the user manually declare a template
instantiation or a wrapper around a macro to have a corresponding
function appear in the dynamic library binary. But it would be nicer if
it were possible to generate an 'instance' of a template or macro on the
fly. For instance by capturing the template/macro source code, and then
when a template function/function-like macro is called, handing that
template/macro source code, parameterized with the dynamic argument
types of the call site, off to some (external) compiler service which
then gives you back a pointer to a block of native memory that you can
interpret as a function, wrap in a method handle and invoke.
In the latter case the needed API might be more like having a method on
`Pointer` like this:
MethodHandle wrapAsFunction(Function funcType)
i.e. have the ability to interpret an arbitrary `Pointer` as a function
pointer that can be invoked. I think something like that might be needed
any ways as support for native functions that return function pointers?
Since `Library.Symbol` already has a way to convert to a `Pointer` such
an API could also work for my first use case:
Library lib = Libraries.loadLibrary(lookup(), "msvcrt");
Symbol printf = lib.lookup("printf");
// imaginary api:
MethodHandle mh =
Hopefully that gives a good idea of what I had in mind (nothing too
concrete at the moment I'm afraid). What do you think?
Maurizio Cimadamore schreef op 2018-09-06 19:42:
> Hi Jorn,
> thanks for your feedback and your interest in our 'foreign'
> development.
> The issue you bring up is a very good one - that is, the target of a
> binding is, currently, an interface. But one might envision (as you
> did) cases where maybe you just want a single method handle to be the
> result of your bind.
> This is technically possible - after all, this is what our binder does
> internally (see NativeInvoker). To get there you need 2 ingredients:
> 1) the method type you want to use for the call
> 2) the layout of the function parameters/return type
> Now, as I type this I realize that there's a third ingredient that is
> present in sources, but missing in this formulation:
> 3) the generic signatures of arguments/return types - this is a
> crucial piece to tell the binder whether the result should be a
> Pointer<Byte> vs. Pointer<Integer> and so forth; note that this is
> more than just static typing: a Pointer<Integer> will carry runtime
> type information of the fact that it points to an Integer memory
> region (with given layout - e.g. i32).
> That said, we could, in principle, use (2) to infer the same
> information available in (3) - e.g. if the method type says it returns
> a Pointer.class and the layout says u64:i32, we could then infer
> Pointer<Integer>. It seems doable.
> After you have (1), (2) and (3) you are finally in the position to
> create a method handle for your native function.
> So yes, we could have, in principle a method on Symbol like this:
> MethodHandle bindAsFunction(MethodType, Function)
> And probably another pair:
> MethodHandle bindAsVarGetter(Class<?>, Layout)
> MethodHandle bindAsVarSetter(Class<?>, Layout)
> (since treatment for functions is different from that of global
> variables).
> Would this be something like this useful to the use case you have in
> mind?
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> On 06/09/18 14:49, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was checking out the [foreign] branch today to see what was
>> currently possible with it. I have been following the mailing list for
>> a while now, and it's always very interesting to read the emails
>> discussing the development of this project (especially the technical
>> details).
>> It seems that currently the only way to bind a native library is to
>> bind the entire library to a Java artifact, like one that is generated
>> by jextract, through a call to `Libraries.bind`.
>> The usage I was looking for was more like this:
>> Library lib = Libraries.loadLibrary(lookup(), "msvcrt");
>> Symbol printf = lib.lookup("printf"); // possibly need mangled
>> name here?
>> // imaginary api:
>> MethodHandle mh = ((FunctionSymbol) printf).bind(); // Or,
>> manually provide layout information to bind?
>> Scope scope = Scope.newNativeScope();
>> Pointer<Byte> message = scope.toCString("Hello World!");
>> int result = (int) mh.invokeExact(message);
>> i.e. having the ability to bind a single function symbol from some
>> library and then being able to call that function, without the need to
>> use a tool like jextract and binding the generated artifact.
>> Do you think also having a more low-level API like this is
>> possible/desirable?
>> Best regards,
>> Jorn Vernee
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