Binding a single function symbol with [foreign]
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at
Fri Sep 7 07:52:27 UTC 2018
On 06/09/18 23:41, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Of course you can infer a 'default' carrier information from a layout,
> but in the general case you can't - think of structs (modeled as
> classes) and function pointers (modeled as functional interfaces) -
> how do you know whether something is a Foo or a Bar, if both Foo and
> Bar are structs with same fields?
Pulling more on this string as I kept thinking about this: adding
carrier info will help to distinguish a toplevel Foo from a toplevel Bar
- e.g. let's make this more concrete:
@NativeStruct("[ i32(get=x) ](foo)")
interface Foo extends Struct<Foo> {
int x();
@NativeStruct("[ i32(get=y) ](bar)")
interface Bar extends Struct<Bar> {
int y();
These two struct declarations are isomorphic - you can use one in place
of another; since in a .so/.dynlib file there's no info about struct
names (well in the absence of debugging symbol which I assume to be the
norm), if you want to dynamically bind to a native function whose
descriptor is:
( [ i32 ])v
What should the binder do? E.g. what should be the Java type associated
with the argument of this function? Here's where the MethodType is handy
- as it could help the inference process understanding whether we want
our method handle to accept a Foo or a Bar thingie.
But, I realized, this trick doesn't have a lot of mileage: the next
example up is with pointers - so let's assume the function descriptor is
now changed to:
( u64: [ i32 ] ) v
Ok, now we have a pointer to a thingie with one 32-bit signed int
inside. Is that Pointer<Foo> or Pointer<Bar> ? This time, unfortunately,
the MethodType won't help - class types in method types are erased, so
the method type for this will be something like
Which is not enough for our inference process to resolve the ambiguity.
I believe the next best thing here is for our process to end up with
some Pointer<?> - that is, a pointer whose layout info is composed of
the following info:
- a layout (namely, "[ i32 ]")
- no carrier info
Note that, since there's no carrier, attempting to call get() on such a
Pointer will fail with exception. Now, since the pointer here is in an
argument position, it's not a big deal - e.g. the binder doesn't need to
produce one, so we're fine (e.g. the pointer will never be
dereferenced). But if the pointer was in a return position, as in:
( ) u64: [ i32 ]
This would now be an issue, as the returned Pointer<?> will not support
any dereference operation:
Pointer<?> p = mh.invoke();
p.get(); //exception!
So the right way to go about this would be to cast the result to the
right LayoutType - e.g.
Pointer<?> p = mh.invoke();
p = p.cast(NativeTypes.INT32);
int x = p.get(); //ok!
In other words, I think the invocation game can always be decomposed
into two stages:
1) the first step, works only on erased types and produces types that
are correct *up to the generic layer*
2) the second step, is a fixup step that takes info from source
signatures (or in other, more explicit ways, as above) and turns generic
carriers 'right' (typically with a cast)
Back to your original question of providing binding to separate method
handle symbol, I now think the answer is yes, *provided* that what you
mean is (1) - e.g. that you are willing to make up for losses of generic
type info resulting from the lack of source information that directs the
binding process.
Does this help?
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