Are there any new builds of panama out?

Mark Hammons mark.hammons at
Sat Aug 3 13:07:14 UTC 2019

I am trying to build a project with the new scala dotty compiler, and it 
chokes on the inner classes created by jextract being used on wlroots.

Compiler error below:

[info] Compiling 5 Scala sources to 
exception caught when loading class wayland_server_core: 
assertion failure for usr.include.libudev <:< 
usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core, frozen = true
assertion failure for Class[usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core] <:< 
Class[usr.include.libudev], frozen = true
[warn] Caught: java.lang.AssertionError: 
usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core$__va_list_tag while parsing 
annotations in 
assertion failure for io.github.markehammons.mcw_server(server) <:< ?{ 
backend: ? }, frozen = false
[info] exception occurred while typechecking 
[info] exception occurred while compiling 
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: failure to resolve inner class:
externalName = usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core$wl_display,
outerName = usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core,
innerName = wl_display
owner.fullName = usr.include.wayland.wayland_server_core

I am hoping that new versions of jextract and panama might get rid of 
the issue entirely.

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