Jextract tool-provider bug?

Mark Hammons mark.hammons at
Mon Aug 12 19:34:06 UTC 2019

Here's the output:

issuing command jextract /usr/include/wlr/types/wlr_output.h 
/usr/include/wlr/backend.h /usr/include/wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h 
--package-map /usr/include/wlr/backend=wlroots.backend_headers 
--package-map /usr/include/bits/types=usr.include.bits.type_headers -I 
/usr/include/wlr -I /usr/include/wayland -I /usr/include/pixman-1 -C 
-DWLR_USE_UNSTABLE -L /usr/lib64 --record-library-path -l wlroots -t 
wlroots -o 


On 8/12/19 1:10 PM, Mark Hammons wrote:
> I will get you a copy tonight when I return home. All I can say right 
> now is that the output jextract command worked when entered into a 
> terminal on its own.
> ~Mark
> On 12/08/2019 12:37, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> It would also be helpful to get the output of this statement:
>>"issuing command jextract ${command.mkString(" ")}")
>> Maurizio
>> On 12/08/2019 11:30, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>> The jextract method and run tool method in that file are how I’m 
>>> invoking it. When I invoke from Sbt (finally learned how to override 
>>> its scala version with one that works with jdk14+), the Sbt version 
>>> of the code works, so maybe this is something related to the way 
>>> mill launches tasks.
>>> Mark Edgar Hammons II - Ingénieur d'études at BioEmergences
>>> 0603695656
>>> On 11 Aug 2019, at 23:46, Maurizio Cimadamore 
>>> <maurizio.cimadamore at 
>>> <mailto:maurizio.cimadamore at>> wrote:
>>>> So, jextract works but the tool provider does not?
>>>> How are you invoking jextract exactly?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Maurizio
>>>> On 11/08/2019 16:18, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I started testing jdk-14-panama+1-15 yesterday, and it seems I've 
>>>>> run into a bug when using the jextract tool provider. When I try 
>>>>> to use my jextract build target, i get the following output:
>>>>> 1 targets failed
>>>>> javahelp.jextract java.lang.RuntimeException: In memory 
>>>>> compilation failed: 
>>>>> /usr/include/bits/ error: cannot 
>>>>> access usr.include.bits
>>>>> package usr.include.bits;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/bits/type_headers/ error: 
>>>>> cannot access usr.include.bits.type_headers
>>>>> package usr.include.bits.type_headers;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/EGL/ error: cannot access 
>>>>> usr.include.EGL
>>>>> package usr.include.EGL;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /wlroots/clang_support/builtin$ error: cannot access 
>>>>> wlroots.clang_support
>>>>> package wlroots.clang_support;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/X11/ error: cannot access usr.include.X11
>>>>> package usr.include.X11;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/ error: cannot access usr.include
>>>>> package usr.include;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/ error: cannot 
>>>>> access usr.include.wayland
>>>>> package usr.include.wayland;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /wlroots/ error: cannot access wlroots
>>>>> package wlroots;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/KHR/ error: cannot access 
>>>>> usr.include.KHR
>>>>> package usr.include.KHR;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/pixman_1/ error: cannot 
>>>>> access usr.include.pixman_1
>>>>> package usr.include.pixman_1;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/sys/ error: cannot access 
>>>>> usr.include.sys
>>>>> package usr.include.sys;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /wlroots/backend_headers/ error: cannot access 
>>>>> wlroots.backend_headers
>>>>> package wlroots.backend_headers;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/gnu/ error: cannot access 
>>>>> usr.include.gnu
>>>>> package usr.include.gnu;
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/bits/type_headers/ error: cannot 
>>>>> access usr
>>>>> public interface __sigset_t_h {
>>>>> ^
>>>>>   loc: wrong sig ->a25f5b4b
>>>>> /usr/include/bits/type_headers/ error: cannot 
>>>>> find symbol
>>>>> @NativeHeader(
>>>>>  ^
>>>>>   symbol: class NativeHeader
>>>>> 15 errors
>>>>> jdk.jextract/ 
>>>>> jdk.jextract/ 
>>>>> jdk.jextract/
>>>>> jdk.jextract/
>>>>> jdk.jextract/
>>>>> jdk.jextract/$ 
>>>>> ammonite.$$javahelp$.$anonfun$runTool$1(
>>>>> I'm fairly certain this isn't an issue in my code, but I could be 
>>>>> wrong.
>>>>> ~Mark

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