[foreign] RFC 8219042: Cross-header layout resolution does not work

Jorn Vernee jbvernee at xs4all.nl
Fri Feb 15 15:15:18 UTC 2019

I think we can say that if a user wants to hand write header interfaces, 
then it's also up to them to make sure that all layouts can be resolved. 
I think we could also help them by documenting the lookup process 

1. sounds like a good option to me, but I'm wondering if this approach 
will run into class file limitations for very large libraries (like 

Having the ability to manually map names to classes like you suggest in 
2. seems a bit overkill to me. Maybe as an intermediate solution we 
could change the Unresolved layout descriptors to denote Java 
signatures, instead of layout names. e.g 
'@NativeFunction("${org.package.MyClass::func}")', similarly for 
classes. Then we could rely on Java resolution mechanisms.


About the patch;

- ScanType still has code to deal with Java arrays, is this still 
needed? I think that's left from before Array was introduced? Maybe now 
is a good moment to remove it.

- LayoutResolver::scanClassInternal also does a check:

     if (nameToGroup.containsKey(name) && nameToGroup.get(name) != l) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " cannot be 

But I believe that should use `!l.equals(nameToGroup.get(name))` since 
`l` is a freshly created Layout Object.


Maurizio Cimadamore schreef op 2019-02-15 14:51:
> Hi,
> the following patch is inspired from the work that Jorn posted
> yesterday [1]. But it takes it a step further: instead of having the
> various code generators call 'scanMethod' and such, all 'indexing'
> activity is done before hand, when te resolver is first created.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/panama/8219042/
> Now, as pointed out, this approach is very ad-hoc; not only it is
> inefficient (it's doing a full reflective scan of all methods in all
> classes of an extracted artifact!), but it's also fragile, as it
> relies on the Java signature to give away some info as to what a
> layout name might resolve to. Consider the following case:
> @NativeHeader
> interface MyHeader {
> @NativeFunction("()u64:${foo}")
> Pointer<?> m();
> }
> In this case, despite there's an entry point for 'm', the signature
> info associated with such an entry is simply insufficient, as there's
> no way to tell which carrier type is associated with the name 'foo'.
> It seems to me that there are only two stable solutions in this space:
> 1) assuming jextract generate an artifact with a single root, we could
> then index all inner classes under that root, to look for structs
> (this depends on the jextract library-centric work)
> 2) if we don't want to make assumption on the layout of the extracted
> interfaces (which seems hard, especially when considering hand-written
> interfaces), then the only option is to manually define a resolution
> context:
> @NativeHeader
> @NameContext(@NameMapping("foo", Foo.class))
> interface MyHeader {
> @NativeFunction("()u64:${foo}")
> Pointer<?> m();
> }
> (name and shape of the annotations TBD).
> This way, when the binder creates a resolver, it sets up all the
> necessary mapping from names to layouts. The binder should also check
> the validity of the mappings (e.g. check that Foo.class is a struct
> and that it really defines a layout with name 'foo').
> This way, no guesswork is needed, everything is deterministic and
> efficient. And this scales to the context of manually written mutually
> dependent structs - which is probably not an uncommon case when it
> comes to message protocols (no jextract there).
> Thoughts?
> Maurizio

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