Finished part 1 of the Wayland McWayface tutorial of Drew DeVault - Issue with spi toolprovider interface and jextract

Mark Hammons mark.hammons at
Sun Feb 24 18:31:49 UTC 2019

Hi Maurizio,

Regarding 1) I would try to fork the global scope to create pointers for 
my callbacks. However, since the object that was taking the callbacks 
was created by a wlr_backend_autocreate foreign function call, I guess 
the scopes were incompatible and it would not accept the pointers from 
the forked scope. You can give it a shot with my repository. Just pass 
in scope.fork to anywhere I'm passing in a scope and you should see the 
access violation messages.

2) I'm glad to hear this has been completely fixed, and I look forward 
to the next release. Will that be coming soon?

3) Yeah, I allocated a c array using the scope and filled it with my 
data. It just feels like something that should be achievable by passing 
in a java array to my scope.

4) That code looks like it's testing jextract. I'm not sure what''s 
going on then, cause when I ran my tool runner method with jextract and 
the appropriate arguments (and I tested the generated arguments by copy 
pasting them to a standard command line), jextract returned nothing and 
exited very quickly.



On 2/24/19 1:30 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 23/02/2019 23:26, Mark Hammons wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've finally written a working implementation of the first part of 
>> Drew DeVault's tutorial, and I wanted to put it here first to get 
>> your feedback
> Thanks! I'll look into that in more details.
>> I've tried using the new forked scopes in the recent release, but I 
>> frequently hit issues of being unable to use pointers I need to use. 
>> This usually happens with the allocated callbacks, so I assume I 
>> could merge said callback's pointers into the scope of what they're 
>> being assigned to, but I haven't tried that yet. The struct issue I 
>> reported earlier continues to plague me, and has resulted in me 
>> writing a few workaround classes in java. Also, I allocated a c_array 
>> to communicate with a function call but is there no way to just pass 
>> in a regular java array at this time?
> So:
> 1) I'd like to know more about the issues with pointer/callback - e.g. 
> what issues have you encountered; if it mostly happens with callbacks, 
> there could be some lurking issue with scoping of these callback 
> pointers?
> 2) the struct issue has been fixed - you'll see that situation 
> improved on the next binary build
> 3) if you want to pass an array to a native function you have to 
> create a native array; while in the future we might provide 
> 'civilization' options to emit signatures closer to what a Java 
> developer would expect, that's not the goal now. You should be able to 
> allocate a native array from Java array with relative ease.
>> Finally, and this is the biggest issue, I cannot get jextract working 
>> via the spi.ToolProvider interface. If you look at the build.sbt in 
>> the root of my project, I have defined a task binding for jextract to 
>> be called and configured by sbt without having to call outside of the 
>> JVM. When I tried this with jlink 
>> ( 
>> it worked fine, and spi.ToolProvider says it's finding jextract, 
>> jextract is just not doing anything. I'm guessing the jextract tool 
>> isn't hooked into ToolProvider yet?
> This surprises me - I'll leave this to Sundar - but I seem to recall 
> that jextract was indeed hooked up and that we're even using that 
> capability for testing? The following was pushed last year
> Maurizio
>> Anyway, tell me if you have any suggestions to improve my usage of 
>> the foreign APIs in this project. And especially tell me if I can get 
>> jextract working through the ToolProvider interface. I'd love to 
>> start developing sbt and mill plugins for projects to bind native 
>> code with, but I can't till that gets worked out.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark

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