Finished part 1 of the Wayland McWayface tutorial of Drew DeVault - Issue with spi toolprovider interface and jextract

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon Feb 25 23:16:20 UTC 2019

Could you be experiencing this?

The problem reported by SBT looks the same, and it's JDK 12-related.


On 25/02/2019 21:25, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> That doesn't look good.
> I suggest you try to Java-ize your example and try again. If that 
> works, then we're looking at an issue which could be caused by some 
> incompatibility between sbt and the Panama JDK (e.g. does sbt support 
> classfiles of that version number?) or, possibly, some more obscure 
> bug in the Panama JDK.
> Maurizio
> On 25/02/2019 20:51, Mark Hammons wrote:
>> I gave it a shot, and changed my setProperty to a getProperty to make 
>> sure the debug flag was set and still no helpful debug information. 
>> This gets printed out whenever I run sbt, so maybe it's related?
>> error: error while loading String, class file 
>> '/modules/java.base/java/lang/String.class' is broken
>> (class java.lang.NullPointerException/null)
>> On 2/25/19 3:11 PM, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>> I will do this when I return home tonight.
>>> On 25/02/2019 12:37, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>> On 25/02/2019 00:40, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>> So at least I know the command is failing, but still no output as 
>>>>> to why. 
>>>> Error code 4 means jextract failed with some runtime exception - 
>>>> but the "jextract.debug" option should print the exception message:
>>>> ```
>>>> ctx.err.println(re.getMessage());
>>>> if (Main.DEBUG) {
>>>>   re.printStackTrace(ctx.err);
>>>> }
>>>> return RUNTIME_ERROR;
>>>> ```
>>>> I'm not sure setting the property the way you do is the right way 
>>>> to go. The property is cached in a static field:
>>>> ```
>>>> public static final boolean DEBUG = 
>>>> Boolean.getBoolean("jextract.debug");
>>>> ```
>>>> So you are basically depending on the order in which classes are 
>>>> loaded/initialized here. Can you try to pass -Djextract.debug to 
>>>> the VM directly instead of doing it from the program? (not 100% 
>>>> sure that is why you are getting no output, but let's try to remove 
>>>> as many accidental factors as possible).
>>>> Maurizio

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