[foreign] RFR: Make jextract Context immutable

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Feb 26 15:42:24 UTC 2019

I'd like to hold back on this a bit, and look at the bigger picture. 
Again, I'm leaning on my experience with javac (and related tools) - 
sorry if what follows sounds too paternalistic :-)

To me, it seems that jextract Context is a mix of different things - on 
the one hand it acts as an holder for _parsed_ options. On the other 
hand it also acts as an helper to logging activity (since it 
encapsulates the err/out streams).

The logical consequence, to me, is that we should have *two* separate 
abstractions, one for managing parsed option values, and one for 
managing logging.

Which brings another question - how do we share 'components' instances 
between various pieces of jextract? I think that is, ultimately what a 
'Context' should be: a collection of instances that can be reused across 
components. This is at least the notion of context we use in javac, 
javap, javadoc and related tools.

If Context acts as a sort of 'store' for all the component instances, 
then you can have all components referring to each other, on 
constructon, via a context object. Javac does this routinely - see this 


If you have this machinery in place then you end up in a place where:

* Context contains the 'shared' components that pertain to an extraction run

* Log (or something like it) is a component that can be used for issuing 

* Options is an helper component which allows clients to query options 
values in Java directly

* JextractTool is the main component that is in charge of executing the 
extraction - separate visitors which are part of the extraction logic 
could (or not!) be made components themselves

So, a jextract run (in Main) will create a Context, and start 
initializing other needed instances (Options, JextractTool), and then 
start the extraction run.

This way of designing a tool has proven to be very resilient; in javac 
you can even 'override' standard components with custom ones (say, to 
have custom type-checking logic), which is a feature that has been used 
extensively by 3rd part checkers such as the ones offered by IDEs. I'm 
not saying that in jextract we need to go as far - but, especially if 
we're considering exposing a programmatic API to do jextract run (which 
would be a crucial tool to get to most of the civilization-related 
cases), it is something to keep in the back of our minds.


On 26/02/2019 13:50, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an RFR for the earlier patch that makes Context immutable:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jvernee/panama/webrevs/context/webrev.00/
> To recap, this patch:
> * Makes all fields of Context final, and wraps collections in 
> immutable wrappers.
> * Adds a Context.Builder to create an immutable Context.
> * Rearranges code in Main to use the Context.Builder.
> Thanks,
> Jorn

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