access modes for pointers and memory regions
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Jan 22 21:56:44 UTC 2019
Thanks for the great analysis.
I have few questions...
You say that we have AccessFlags on both Pointer and MemoryRegion, but
in reality pointer does not really have such a flag. When you do
Pointer::asReadOnly, all you get is a new pointer which points to a
memory region that is the copy of the existing one, but with read-only
So, I'd say the current model is essentially that of having a single
access flag on memory region. The fact that memory region is not exposed
in the API is one of the reasons as to why the 'asReadOnly' methods
ended up in pointer.
I agree that, in principle, we might have R/W/RW on pointers too - where
perhaps what happens is that they affect dereference operations (e.g.
Pointer::set will fail on a R pointer, regardless of the underlying
memory being RW).
To be honest, I don't like where the code is right now, and I'm also not
a fan of the 'immutable' access flag. The problem being that I think
access mode should be a property of the pointer, as you say in the very
first line of your email. So, getting a read-only view of a pointer
should, I believe, _have no effects_ on the underlying memory region -
it should just return a new pointer with the new capability. That is, we
should stop this business of recreating the memory region only to update
an access flag - this is, I think, what gets in the way of offering a
truly 'non-writeable' memory region (which you attempt to solve with the
'immutable' flag).
If memory regions had a _non-upgradeable_ R/W/RW property, then you
could really allocate a memory region that is read-only, if you wanted
to. Any attempt to get a write-capable pointer out of that will fail.
(in other words,, you can get a pointer with access X on a memory region
with access Y only if X is equal or less strict than Y).
So, I think that, of the two options you consider, I'm more for the
quasi-independent access queries for pointer/memory region, as that
seems a cleaner cut to me.
But I agree with your line of reasoning - having some support for
immutable memory regions seems required in order to support things like
returning struct as value in the heap from native functions.
On 22/01/2019 21:21, John Rose wrote:
> `Pointer.AccessMode` tells whether a pointer is allowed to read
> and/or write the memory behind the pointer.
> The access mode of a pointer is not meant to provide unambiguous
> information about the memory behind the pointer, but rather to
> restrict the operations on that memory *via that pointer*. The
> pointer acts as a capability to read and/or write the memory,
> but there may be other capabilities that can do things the
> pointer cannot. Holding a pointer with mode `AccessMode.READ`
> does not prevent another pointer from writing the same memory.
> I'm belaboring the obvious here, but it's for a good cause…
> A `BoundedMemoryRegion` has a mode flag also:
> The meaning of this mode flag, like that of the pointer's
> mode flag, restricts the capability represented by the memory
> region. It is not an absolute statement about the memory
> referred to by the region. For example, a queue head
> might be implemented with a segment of memory, which
> one end of the queue writes and the other reads, and
> both pointers and memory regions might refer to that
> memory, but with disjoint capabilities; one side reads
> only and one side writes only, but the memory itself,
> apart from any capabilities that access it, is best
> described as `AccessMode.READ_WRITE`.
> If a memory region is marked as `READ` there is
> nothing to prevent other parties, with write permissions,
> from writing to the same memory.
> This is a useful quality, as in the case of queues,
> or with divide-and-conquer parallel algorithms,
> where each thread can read a large region of memory
> but only one thread may write some assigned sub-region
> which the other threads may only read.
> The absolute status of a segment of memory may be
> read/write, read-only, or write-only. That last
> category makes sense only in limited settings, for
> interprocess shared memory. But the first two are
> widespread.
> Examples of absolutely read/write memory are obvious,
> starting with any Java array or malloc buffer, unless either
> is protected somehow against writes. Standard
> examples of read-only memory include the
> characters of a Java string or of a C char array
> placed in (virtual) ROM.
> Thus we may use modes like `AccessMode.READ`
> either in an absolute or in a relative sense, and
> there is some wiggle room for the same object
> having differing modes in the two senses.
> Some combinations probably don't make sense,
> like a read/write pointer into a read-only memory
> segment.
> Here are the useful combinations, I think:
> R/RO: I can access this immutable segment.
> R/RW: I can read but not write this writable segment.
> W/RW: I can write but not read this writable segment.
> RW/RW: I have full access to this segment.
> The only combination not representable with
> `AccessMode` is the first (R/RO). One way to
> elevate it as an explicit property would be like
> this:
> ```
> enum AccessMode {
> /**
> * A read access mode.
> * May be aliased to writable content.
> */
> READ(1 << 0),
> /**
> * A write access mode.
> * May be aliased to readable content.
> */
> WRITE(1 << 1),
> /**
> * A read access mode.
> * Never aliased to writable content.
> * Only content with this access
> * is guaranteed to be immutable.
> */
> IMMUTABLE(READ.value | (1 << 2)),
> /**
> * A read and write access mode.
> * May be aliased with read or write modes.
> */
> READ_WRITE(READ.value | WRITE.value);
> }
> ```
> Or pointers and memory regions could be given
> semi-independent queries `isAccessibleFor(m)`
> and `memorySegmentIsAccessibleFor(m)`.
> Here's why I'm shining a light on this corner case:
> Unless there is a formalized and explicit indication
> of when memory is absolutely read-only, we will
> not be able to extend Java's safe publication guarantees
> to objects which are created by Panama-based factories.
> If you build a data structure and then share it with
> other threads, there are several things that can go
> badly wrong. But if your VM is willing to keep track
> of which memory segments are shareable, you can
> catch bugs which otherwise could go undetected.
> Of course, the kind of "keeping track" I mean here
> includes the following (none of which are new ideas):
> - thread-confined mutable data (scopes, etc.)
> - thread-shareable mutable data (lockable owner metadata)
> - thread-shareable frozen data (strings, ROM, etc.)
> - defensive copies of input data
> The last one, defensive copies, should be part of the
> API of pointers. A defensive copy should convert
> a mutable segment into a freshly copied immutable
> or confined private copy. (There are two ways to
> do defensive copies: We might call them "clone"
> and "freeze" in the setting of Java objects.) The
> defensive copy should be idempotent on frozen
> objects, so that repeated freezing is only as expensive
> as the making of the first copy.
> Getting the details right on this will allow native
> data to interoperate better with Java's multi-threaded
> APIs. Getting the details right requires a little extra
> attention to the the difference between a read-only
> capability and an absolutely read-only memory segment.
> Here's a sketch of the sort of thing I mean.
> The sketch also includes better bounds checking for
> on-heap memory regions.
> — John
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