[foreign-memaccess] creating memory access handles

Jorn Vernee jbvernee at xs4all.nl
Thu Jun 20 10:53:48 UTC 2019

On 2019-06-19 16:30, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 19/06/2019 14:49, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>> I had considered adding more checking to the combinators as well, but 
>> held off since I thought that there would probably be some situations 
>> in which an intermediate VarHandle could be created that is "invalid" 
>> by some heuristic, and then becomes valid after additional combinator 
>> calls. This also leaves some room for users to shoot themselves in the 
>> foot, but we are still doing overall bounds checking on access, so 
>> this would be contained.
>> I can imagine cases where the proposed extra checking would fail. e.g. 
>> What if I start out with a default alignment, and want to add some 
>> offset that is invalid for that alignment, but later on change it to a 
>> valid alignment? Or vice-versa, I start out with a final alignment and 
>> do multiple offset operations, some of which create a 
>> handle.displacement that is invalid for that alignment, but the final 
>> value is correct. Or in the `displacement >= handle.displacement + 
>> sizeof(handle.carrier)` case, what if the handle.displacement is made 
>> larger afterwards?
> handle.displacement cannot be changed - you can create a new VH with a
> bigger displacement - but if you do so _after_ an array access that's
> fine; it means first access array, then add some offset in front of
> the entire array; the scale is not affected.

Okay, makes sense.

>> You also give the example of having this: `[10 : [5 : [x64 i32]]]`, 
>> but in practice this is more like: `[? : [? : [x64 i32]]`, i.e. we 
>> don't now the maximum index, so we can only do accurate checking for 
>> the first elementHandle call, after that we could e.g. check that the 
>> scale is at least larger than the size of a single element, but that's 
>> not as good. The gained safety from doing more checking seems partial, 
>> while we might also be blocking some valid use-cases (tbh, I even 
>> considered allowing negative offsets as long as the total was 
>> positive, because of that. But that seemed too much like a programming 
>> error).
> I disagree with this line of thought. While yes, you can get to a good
> VH in two steps (where the intermediate step is incorrect), you still
> have some intermediate result which is bogus. What would be the benfit
> of giving people that intermediate result?

Because the intermediate result might be needed as a base for another 
combinator call. It doesn't necessarily have to be used for a memory 
access. We could also encapsulate the intermediate result and then do 
checking on the final result only, but then we seem to get back to a 
builder style API.

> I agree with the fact that we don't check sizes on sequences, and
> that's fine, I was mostly using concrete numbers for the sake of
> arguments; the important part in sequence access is the element layout
> size.

What if the element layout contains a sequence? The actual size of the 
sequence would be something known to the user, but not to us, so we 
can't always know the size of the element layout. e.g. in `[? : [? : 
[x64 i32](foo)](bar)](baz)` we don't know the size of 'bar', which is 
the element layout of 'baz'.

> Also, I don't get the need for maniuplating alignment several times.
> In reality what you want is a VH to get to a certain place in a
> layout. That sub-layout will have an alignment (whether inferred or
> explicit), so I don't see the advantage of fixing up alignment
> multiple times.

I don't see a need for multiple fixups either, same for byte order as 
well. I think it's good to have the simple case of alignment = carrier 
size & byte order = native easily accessible, so I'd say we need at 
least an overload that takes just a carrier type. We would need 4 
overloads to cover the different combinations, which is not too bad.

A separate combinator would allow specifying the byte order or alignment 
lazily. e.g. we have some static final VarHandle that is used as a 
prototype, and then a factory method stamps out derived VHs with 
different byte order or alignment constraints.

> Yes, in principle you can have an unaligned VH, and obtained an
> aligned one from it - but you still have to create a fresh VH which
> reuses nothing of the original VH.

Or the reverse, some lower API layer gives me an aligned VH, and I want 
to turn this into an unaligned VH. The alignment could be passed down 
into the lower API layers, but this seems less flexible.

> I'd like to reverse the discussion and ask you: is there a specific
> case you have in mind that can _only_ be expressed via some
> intermediate invalid VH? I did some thinking and I couldn't find any
> example pointing me in this direction.

This is a good question, and to be honest I haven't found a concrete 
example yet.

One reason might be that if we keep a separate alignment combinator that 
would in most cases force this combinator to be called first, before 
adding an offset or access coordinate. e.g.

     VarHandle vh = 
MemoryAccessVarHandles.dereferenceVarHandle(long.class); // align 4
     vh = MemoryAccessVarHandles.offsetHandle(vh, 2); // 2 bytes before 
this long - illegal alignment!
     vh = MemoryAccessVarHandles.alignAccess(vh, 2); // ok after all

But, that could be 'fixed' by removing the alignment combinator and 
requiring alignment to be specified when creating the leaf handle.

>> Trying to do more 'static' checking seemed like a no-win to me. More 
>> extensive checking seems to be at home with the Layout(Path) API, 
>> where we have more information. Imho let's keep the VarHandle 
>> combinator API simple, since it's supposed to be a low-level 
>> alternative. We still have our safety from VM crashes due to bounds / 
>> liveliness checking. Let's leave it to users to build their own, 
>> stricter, safety mechanisms on top, if they want to.
> While I don't necessarily disagree with some of the things you
> mention, I don't see any compelling argument for being overly liberal
> - e.g. accepting things that we know will fail. And I also don't see a
> compelling argument for repeatedly adjusting alignment constraints.

'accepting things that we know will fail'; well, we don't know if an 
invalid VarHandle will fail, because we don't know if it will ever be 
used to do an access. It could also just be used for another combinator 

In conclusion, I think moving the alignment (and probably also byte 
order) to the leaf VarHandle factory is good, and then we can do 
alignment checking on offset and scale.

For the scale factor size check; Since we might not know the size of the 
element type, this check would be partial. But, maybe that is better 
than nothing?

> An example would obviously change the way I feel - but does such an
> example exist?

I think we will have to wait and see this being used. At least it seems 
reasonable to think that at some point it could be convenient to be able 
to have an intermediate, possibly invalid, VarHandle when wrapping 
combinator calls in some other higher-level API. But, after giving it 
some thought, I think you're right that going with more checking is the 
right way forward for now. Requiring the alignment (and BO) to be 
specified when creating the leaf handle seems like a must though.


> Maurizio
>> Jorn
>> On 2019-06-19 14:28, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Last week we had a great patch from Jorn which implements a new, more
>>> basic way to get at the memory access handles; the basic idea is to
>>> start from simple carriers (e.g. an 'int' accesor) and _combine_ them
>>> together. There are basically two ways in which you can combine: (i)
>>> add offset to the base address (useful for accessing struct elements)
>>> or (ii) add an extra access dimension (useful for array indexing).
>>> There's also an extra combinator which can be used to force a certain
>>> alignment, more on that later.
>>> When a memory access VarHandle is built, it will have three important
>>> properties:
>>> * the displacement
>>> * the number of 'free variables' in it (and their 'scales' in bytes)
>>> * the alignment (either derived from the carrier, or forced with the
>>> combinator method)
>>> * carrier type (e.g. int.class)
>>> All these info is used in order to compute a single offset which is
>>> applied on top of the MemoryAddress that is passed as argument to the
>>> VH; the formula would look something like this:
>>> offset = c_0 + (x_1 * s_1 + c_1) + (x_2 * s_2 + c_2) + ... + (x_n * 
>>> s_n + c_n)
>>> That is, it's a sum of many components, a constant one (c_0) and some
>>> indexed one, where x_1, x_2 ... x_n are free variables that are bound
>>> by the VH call.
>>> With this formula it is easy to see that:
>>> * VH.displacement = c_0 + c_1 + c_2 + ... + c_n
>>> * VH.scales = { s_1, s_2 ... s_n }
>>> This is all good. But I found myself asking: what are the conditions
>>> under which a VH combinator call is well-formed? Is it possible to
>>> construct stuff with the combinator API which doesn't make sense?
>>> I think that is currently the case - that is, the combinator API is
>>> 'less safe' than its LayoutPath-based cousin. While some of that is
>>> unavoidable (LayoutPath works on Layout, so it has more info), some 
>>> of
>>> that is also purely accidental. I've identified two category where I
>>> found the combinator API too weak: array VH creation and alignment
>>> enforcing.
>>> *** array indexing ***
>>> Let's start with arrays. In general, with the combinator API, you
>>> start off with a simple accessor - e.g. something for:
>>> i32
>>> and then you build up from there - e.g. we can add some displacement:
>>> [x64 i32]
>>> And then we can wrap it all into an array indexing:
>>> [5 : [x64 i32]]
>>> And we can add even more indexing:
>>> [10 : [5 : [x64 i32]]]
>>> Now, each array indexing is done with this API call:
>>> VarHandle elementHandle(VarHandle handle, long scale)
>>> the 'scale' here is, essentially, the size of the element type of the
>>> array being considered.
>>> I think this imposes a requirement on which 'scale' numbers we can 
>>> use
>>> - that is, if 'handle' is a VH whose carrier is 4 bytes and
>>> displacement is 10 - then the scale we use must be greater/equal than
>>> 10 + 4. A failure to meet this requirement will mean that indexing 
>>> the
>>> VH with an index > 0 will possibly still point to a location inside
>>> the array. While this restriction doesn't completely remove this
>>> possibility (there could always be 'stuff' after the 'i32' we want to
>>> access), I think it might be sensible to try and enforce this.
>>> This also means that, going back to our formula, all the scales are
>>> 'sorted' that is:
>>> s_1 >= s_2 >= ... >= s_n
>>> This corresponds to the principle that the first index dimensions in
>>> the VarHandle should correspond to the 'outermost' sequence in the
>>> layout.
>>> So, concluding, when calling the above combinator method
>>> (elementHandle), we have to make sure that:
>>> scale >= handle.displacement + sizeof(handle.carrier)
>>> *** alignment enforcing ***
>>> When combining together VH, we must make sure that we respect
>>> alignment constraints that might appear on these VH. So, if we start
>>> from a simple VH which access something like this:
>>> i32
>>> the constraint is easily resolved - after all, i32 has a natural
>>> alignment (4 bytes), so the VH is well-formed (this of course doesn't
>>> mean we're 100% safe - at runtime we should still check that the
>>> address passed to the VH is compatible with that alignment, but 
>>> that's
>>> a _dynamic_ requirement, not a _static_ one).
>>> Now, suppose we want to add some displacement:
>>> x64 i32
>>> Is this still good? The resulting VH will have these properties:
>>> * displacement = 8
>>> * scales = {}
>>> * carrier = int.class
>>> * alignment = 4
>>> here we have to check that (8 + 4) % 4 = 0. It can be seen that this
>>> is always the case, and, in particular, the alignment constraints are
>>> satisfied as long as the offset we pass to the combinator is a
>>> multiple of the alignment constraint. That is, when we call:
>>> VarHandle offsetHandle(VarHandle handle, long offset)
>>> This has to hold:
>>> offset % handle.alignment = 0
>>> Ok, but what if I create an array VH ? How do I enforce alignment
>>> constraints in that case?
>>> [ 5 : [ x64 i32 ] ]
>>> So, things are more tricky here - and it is helpful to appeal to our
>>> mathematical formulation; we can model the above as:
>>> offset = 12 * x_i + 8
>>> and, of course we want this offset to be aligned, so:
>>> (12 * x_i + 8) % handle.alignment = 0
>>> Here we can note that 'x_i' is an integral constant, and we also now
>>> that the displacement must already be a multiple of the alignment 
>>> (see
>>> above).
>>> So, for this formula to hold, we need to make sure that the scale (12
>>> here) is a multiple of the alignment (in this case 4, so ok). In fact
>>> we can show that, when this is the case, the static alignment
>>> constraints are _always_ guaranteed:
>>> ((scale * x_i + handle.displacement) % handle.alignment) = 0
>>> but, if scale is a multiple of handle.alignment, then we have:
>>> ((N * handle.alignment * x_i + handle.displacement) % 
>>> handle.alignment) = 0
>>> But wait, handle.displacement is also a multiple of the alignment (as
>>> per above):
>>> ((N * handle.alignment * x_i + (M * handle.alignment)) % 
>>> handle.alignment) = 0
>>> So we can factor:
>>> (handle.alignment * ((N * x_i) + M)) % handle.alignment = 0
>>> which is trivially true.
>>> So, concluding, I think that we should do the following:
>>> 1) MemoryAccessVarHandles::elementHandle(handle, displacement) must
>>> check that displacement >= handle.displacement +
>>> sizeof(handle.carrier)
>>> 2) MemoryAccessVarHandles::offsetHandle(handle, offset) must check
>>> that: offset % handle.alignment == 0
>>> 3) MemoryAccessVarHandles::elementHandle(handle, scale) must check
>>> that: scale % handle.alignment == 0
>>> As for MemoryAccessVarHandles::alignAccess - I see two options:
>>> 1) We remove it, and enforce alignment to be specified when you 
>>> create
>>> the leaf VH (preferred option)
>>> 2) We keep it, but then we must re-validate existing
>>> scales/displacement against the new alignment constraint
>>> Maurizio

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