Implement no copy memory

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue May 21 08:14:49 UTC 2019

On 21/05/2019 05:26, Ardika Rommy Sanjaya wrote:
> If using panama should I cast the Pointer<Byte> before get the content 
> data?

In Panama you would do this:

Pointer<Byte> buf = ...

Pointer<Short> ps = buf.cast(NativeTypes.VOID).cast(NativeTypes.UINT16);
short s = ps.get();


Pointer<Integer> pi = buf.cast(NativeTypes.VOID).cast(NativeTypes.UINT32);
int i = pi.get();

Note that you have to cast through VOID first, otherwise the Panama 
runtime will complain about incompatible cast.

I believe we can relax these rules for cast compatibility a bit - we 
have some ideas in mind there [1].

[1] -

> For example if I want to get 2 byte and then 4 byte with Unsafe I can 
> do like below:
> Unsafe UNSAFE = ...
> UNSAFE.getShort(..)
> UNSAFE.getInt(...)

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