[foreign] RFR: 8223808: initial port for AArch64

Nick Gasson nick.gasson at arm.com
Tue May 28 10:36:42 UTC 2019

Hi Maurizio,

On 28/05/2019 16:48, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> * don't you need some extra set of constants under NativeTypes (for 
> aarch platform?)

Yes, we ought to. I think I reused the LittleEndian.SysVABI ones 
initially as they almost exactly match except for long double.

For definitions like this:

     public static LayoutType<Short> SHORT = isWindows ?
             LittleEndian.WinABI.SHORT : LittleEndian.SysVABI.SHORT;

Do you want me to change it into something like:

    public static LayoutType<Short> SHORT = isX86 ?
             (isWindows ?
              LittleEndian.WinABI.SHORT : LittleEndian.SysVABI.SHORT)
             : LittleEndian.AArch64.SHORT;

I can see this getting quite messy as we add more platform combinations.

> * UnalignedStructTest - why doesn't it work? There's an f128 there but 
> we're not actually reading/setting it - it's mostly there to force 
> alignment a certain way

I think it disabled it at one point because it was failing and saw it 
used long double so just assumed that was the cause. But I just went 
back and tested it and it passes so must be have been something else I 
fixed later. I'll re-enable it.


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