Reading binary data

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Wed Oct 30 20:29:12 UTC 2019

On 10/30/19 10:07 AM, Henry Jen wrote:
>> On Oct 30, 2019, at 8:03 AM, Henry Jen <henry.jen at> wrote:
>> Depending on which branch are you using, in foreign branch, Pointer is the only API available.
> This is not precise, it’s available. What I mean is that, if you are trying to work with jextracted API, classes, you will need to work with Pointer API.

So what do you do in situations like this then?

> Cheers,
> Henry
>> However, MemorySegment/MemoryAddress API in foreign-memaccess,foreign-abi is the direction we are pursuing.
>> Theoretically, it’s possible to bring Pointer API on top of that, but we are experimenting/evaluating if that’s worthwhile or MemoryAccess API is enough.

As an API user I would much rather have the APIs being integrated with 
one another rather than completely separate APIs. Spending hours trying 
to figure out how to read the data -only to use the incorrect way that 
seems to return a valid value but in actuality isn't- isn't going to be fun.

>> Cheers,
>> Henry
>>> On Oct 30, 2019, at 6:47 AM, Ty Young <youngty1997 at> wrote:
>>> I've stumbled across a function that returns a pointer to memory which contains data(AKA binary data) and a size for it. I'm assuming(correct me if I'm wrong here) that accessing this data requires use of lower level foreign memory API however the API seems to have changed since the presentation given a few months back. What is the correct way currently for accessing this data?

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