[foreign-abi] On invokers

Samuel Audet samuel.audet at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 10:35:06 UTC 2019

Hi, John,

I must say, I really like the work you guys are doing on the vector and 
ABI fronts, it's really great. I sincerely wish Panama could focus more 
on that instead of also working on higher-level framework-ish APIs.

I have one question though. Where are those "vigourous conversation" 
happening? I don't have any quarrel with the work being discussed on 
this thread, but it does give me the impression that a lot of the work 
related to Panama is done in secret and that we're not getting the full 
picture, about other things that I worry about like C++. If that's the 
case, that's fine, OpenJDK doesn't need to be "open", but it would help 
the community if you could be honest about it.


On 9/25/19 9:25 AM, John Rose wrote:
> (*Mature*  non-generalization appears when you have a road map with an endpoint, so you can say things like,
> “You might ask my API to do extra task X, but you should really use a different API for that.”  Folks vary by
> temperament which kind of premature-ness they are more likely to fall into.  Y'all know I’m an (a), so of course
> I’m always on the lookout for signs of (b), whether they exist or not.  The Vector API is currently having a
> vigourous conversation about such choices.)

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