I'm sure i've done something wrong ?

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Sat Apr 4 12:27:01 UTC 2020

Hi all,
I'm playing with the Vector API but even a simple benchmark doesn't look good,
i'm expecting the auto-vectorization and the hand written code using the Vector API to be in the same ballpark in term of perf. 

Trying to compute the max of an array 
using JMH give me those results

Benchmark                   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
SimpleBenchMark.max_loop    avgt    5   469.585 ± 19.238  us/op
SimpleBenchMark.max_vector  avgt    5  1451.930 ± 37.718  us/op

I've tested with both my laptop (Species[int, 8, S_256_BIT]) and an AWS hardware (Species[int, 16, S_512_BIT]).
I'm sure i've done something wrong but i was not enable to find what.


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