Setting foreign.restricted to permit doesn't work

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Thu Apr 23 21:46:17 UTC 2020

On 4/23/20 4:43 PM, Ty Young wrote:
> On 4/23/20 4:29 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> On 23/04/2020 22:24, Ty Young wrote:
>>> On 4/23/20 4:14 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>> This is as expected. The property was always intended to be an 
>>>> opt-in - e.g. a replacement for a command line flag. Because of an 
>>>> issue in the implementation, it was possible to bypass the flag and 
>>>> set the property in a static initializer. Now the implementation 
>>>> correctly reads the value of the property at VM startup.
>>>> In short - you need the command line flag.
>>> The MemorySegment.ofNativeRestricted does not mention this 
>>> currently. Could extra clarification be added?
>> I guess this will probably change few times during the code review I 
>> just posted for integrating what we have into jdk/jdk :-) - I'll keep 
>> the suggestion in mind.
>>> What is the runtime argument? --foreign-restricted=permit?
>> -Dforeign.restricted=permit
> OK, that works.
> Next question: what's going on with MemoryAddress handles? Presumably 
> you need to do:
> private static final VarHandle POINTER_HANDLE = 
> MemoryHandles.varHandle(LONG_HANDLE, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());

correction: POINTER_HANDLE = MemoryHandles.asAddressVarHandle(LONG_HANDLE);

> To do what you could before. Is this correct and Is this because of 
> all the new fancy methods added to MethodHandles? It surely can't be 
> for type safety since VarHandles has none.
>> Maurizio
>>>> Maurizio
>>>> On 23/04/2020 22:05, Ty Young wrote:
>>>>> Setting "foreign.restricted" to "permit":
>>>>> System.setProperty("foreign.restricted", "permit");
>>>>> fails on the latest source builds. This is before any unsafe 
>>>>> operations in my JavaFX application or even my "Test" runnable 
>>>>> class for bindings. Call trace:
>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Illegal access to 
>>>>> restricted foreign method: MemorySegment.ofNativeRestricted ; 
>>>>> system property 'foreign.restricted' is set to 'deny'
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.Utils.throwIllegalAccessError(
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.Utils.checkRestrictedAccess(
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment.ofNativeRestricted(
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> org.goliath.crosspoint/org.goliath.crosspoint.abstracts.ThreadSafeNativeNumber.<init>(
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> org.goliath.crosspoint/org.goliath.crosspoint.abstracts.NativeNumber.<init>(
>>>>>     at 
>>>>> org.goliath.crosspoint/org.goliath.crosspoint.numbers.NativeLong.<init>(

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