[foreign-abi] RFR: JDK-8243669: Improve library loading for Panama libraries

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Apr 28 11:56:39 UTC 2020

On 28/04/2020 09:24, Samuel Audet wrote:
> On 4/28/20 11:15 AM, Samuel Audet wrote:
>> On 4/28/20 10:39 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> On 27/04/2020 23:13, Samuel Audet wrote:
>>>> If reference counting gets used for both memory allocations and 
>>>> library
>>>> loading, what about extracting that functionality into a public API 
>>>> that we
>>>> could use with any other resources out there, such as GPU resources?
>>>> JavaCPP is already doing that and it works great, but I don't see any
>>>> reason why this kind of feature shouldn't be part of the JDK, 
>>>> something
>>>> I've mentioned before...
>>> There's no _explicit_ reference counting mechanism anywhere - not in 
>>> the memory segment API, not in the library lookup API (which is what 
>>> changed here). Not sure what you have in mind - but with the foreign 
>>> API we have been trying to stay clear of explicit 'retain'/'release' 
>>> calls.  Is there a specific reason why you think that the JDK would 
>>> be in a unique position to provide a better solution for something 
>>> like this?
>> I understand that there is no "explicit reference counting", but it 
>> is nonetheless exactly what it is doing "under the hood". Let's put 
>> aside the question of offering a standard API for reference counting, 
>> and start with a simpler problem first. Since you wish to abstract 
>> away completely reference counting from users when it comes to memory 
>> allocations and library loading, what are you planning to do about 
>> its limitations, mainly when dealing with circular references?
> After rereading your proposal a second time, it's clear that you are 
> planning simply to fall back on the GC.
Yes :-) That's why I wasn't getting your claim
> Well, I do agree that we shouldn't be doing reference counting 
> manually, but as you know, since you've already started experimenting 
> with it, there is smarter way of doing it, aka "scopes".

> The idea with a standard API for reference counting would be to offer 
> a framework that could be used for any native resources, not just 
> memory segments or libraries or whatever next Panama is going to 
> decide is "important", and that could be shared across any number of 
> native libraries that are often used together to manage their 
> resources in a sane way. Just for reference, here's an example with 
> OpenCV and TensorFlow using JavaCPP's PointerScope:
> http://bytedeco.org/news/2018/07/17/bytedeco-as-distribution/

My take on scope is that they work generally well - but, to make them 
fully safe, then you have to start throwing in assumption about thread 
confinement (which is described in this proposal). Your pointer API has 
explicit retain/release method - if you call release() and the refCount 
== 0 you deallocate. Right? (sorry if I got the library names wrong). 
So, how do you solve problems like this:

Thread A accessing a pointer while thread B is 'releasing' it, where A 
is not well-behaved and did NOT perform a retain() ?

So, in my mental model, refcounts, scopes are _tools. If the _goal_ is 
to write a safe API, these tools, alone, are not going to save the day. 
A scope-like abstraction can of course be made to work, if you bring 
together _other_ restrictions (e.g. pointers in a scope can only be used 
by one thread). Assuming your API (and your clients) are ok with that 
restriction, of course. Otherwise, we're basically discussing ways on 
how to build an _unsafe_ API, which is a much simpler problem and not 
what the Foreign Memory Access API is trying to do.

As for the claim that library and memory resources are in the same 
league, I think even that claim is questionable. Memory can be short 
lived - you allocate something on the stack, pass it on a function and 
then clear the memory. But a library has (typically) a much longer 
lifespan. So, while it is in general not great to rely on the GC to 
auto-clean the memory allocated off-heap (there are many war stories as 
to why this fails to scale at some point), I see very little gain in 
adding a lot of complexity to allow for deterministic library unloading, 
when the GC is probably going to do fine for such longer-lived objects - 
at the same time avoiding the "same thread" restrictions, and providing 
a guarantee that all native method handles derived from a library will 
keep the library alive.


> It works well, and I do see the JDK offering something like that, but 
> more ironed out, etc simply because it also works fine with C++, 
> Python, Swift, etc as part of the language itself!
> Do you disagree and if so, why?
> Samuel

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