[foreign-jextract] Using many headers splits generated code in package-private classes

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Dec 11 18:34:22 UTC 2020

I see same issue (tried with libpython, which also is big and generates 
many separate classes).

Seems to be an issues either due to the presence of dollars ($) sign in 
class names, or static import with inheritance.

I also see that source generation seems to work fine.


On 11/12/2020 17:59, Filip Krakowski wrote:
> Hi,
> I should add that this only happens when a method gets placed inside a 
> inner class (e.g "ucx_h$1").
> Best regards
> Filip
> On 11.12.20 18:56, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In my case autocompletion doesn't work either and IntelliJ only shows 
>> the message "Cannot not resolve symbol 'eventfd'" when I try to 
>> import it using "import static org.openucx.ucx_h.eventfd;". However, 
>> compiling and executing a small class calling the function works.
>> Best regards
>> Filip
>> On 11.12.20 18:47, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> The class generation mode has always had issues for me in IntelliJ. 
>>> Last time I checked, Intellij did not handle the ldc opcode with 
>>> dynamic constants (condy) internally, which gave issues when e.g. 
>>> trying to decompile a class.
>>> That said, auto completion at least used to work.
>>> Maurizio
>>> On 11/12/2020 17:41, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> looks like I wrote too soon and IntelliJ simply is not able to 
>>>> handle the generated class files correctly. Is anyone using 
>>>> IntelliJ (2020.3) and can confirm that it is not able to resolve 
>>>> generated methods which are created in inner classes? This worked 
>>>> for me in the past.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Filip
>>>> On 11.12.20 18:30, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am trying to generate bindings for the ucx library 
>>>>> (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openucx/ucx__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!NcnuM1vFwiwDwR7X_C1__KqEIsf42VedJXj_lwBP0EJpSsT6qrvPasnqMmXFWBxFshv2cRA$ 
>>>>> ). The input I pass to jextract is the following header file 
>>>>> (filename = "ucx.h", package = "org.openucx", source mode = false).
>>>>>     /// OpenUCX Transports//
>>>>>     //#include <uct/api/uct.h>//
>>>>>     //
>>>>>     //// OpenUCX Protocols//
>>>>>     //#include <ucp/api/ucp.h>//
>>>>>     //
>>>>>     //// I/O Multiplexing//
>>>>>     //#include <sys/epoll.h>//
>>>>>     //#include <sys/eventfd.h>//
>>>>>     //
>>>>>     //// File descriptor utilities//
>>>>>     //#include <fcntl.h>//
>>>>>     //#include <unistd.h>/
>>>>> It looks like a large amount of the generated code ends up in 
>>>>> numbered package-private classes. As an example, I can't access 
>>>>> the MethodHandle for "eventfd" because it is in a package-private 
>>>>> class named "org.openucx.ucx_h$1". If I remove the includes for 
>>>>> "<uct/api/uct.h>" and "<ucp/api/ucp.h>" the generated method is 
>>>>> created in class "org.openucx.ucx_h" where I can access it./
>>>>> //
>>>>> /Is there a way to access code generated in the other (numbered) 
>>>>> package-private classes I'm missing?
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Filip

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