[foreign] Panama/foreign EA build, December 2020 edition

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Dec 16 12:09:29 UTC 2020

we have just released new early access binaries for Project Panama:


The most important change in this EA, is that this brings the upstreamed 
Foreign Memory Access and Foreign Linker APIs to the Panama EA - which 
means that the jextract tool found in the EA is now fully compatible 
with the APIs in Java SE 16. That is, you can use jextract tool from the 
Panama EA, and then run the resulting bindings on a stock Java 16 build.

Happy hacking.


Some of the latest fixes couldn't make the cut, sadly. This is caused by 
the fact that JEP 396 [1] causes issues with IDEs at the moment (e.g. 
IntelliJ) - so we decided to release an EA which is based on 16 _before_ 
396 was integrated, so that the build is still usable inside an IDE. As 
soon as IDEs will add support for JEP 396 (which will happen soon [2]), 
we will issue another EA, based on Java 17, but, again, where jextract 
output will be fully compatible with the APIs included in Java 16.


[1] - https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/396
[2] - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-257630

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