[foreign-jextract] Segmentation fault from generated code

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Dec 18 15:00:09 UTC 2020

Jorn came up with a suggestion (thanks):

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-ImplicitNullChecks

Not elegant, but works w/o disabling the JIT. I've verified and it works 
on my setup.


On 18/12/2020 14:51, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> I managed to reproduce.
> It seems to me that libucs is installing signal handlers - and that 
> these handlers interfere with the JVM's own signal handlers. The fact 
> that I get this on the command line:
> ```
> Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at 
> address 0x14)
> ==== backtrace (tid: 558482) ====
>  0 
> /home/maurizio/Desktop/panama-test/ucx/build/lib/libucs.so.0(ucs_handle_error+0x2a4) 
> [0x7fe23e0b4c74]
>  1 
> /home/maurizio/Desktop/panama-test/ucx/build/lib/libucs.so.0(+0x27e4f) 
> [0x7fe23e0b4e4f]
>  2 
> /home/maurizio/Desktop/panama-test/ucx/build/lib/libucs.so.0(+0x28184) 
> [0x7fe23e0b5184]
>  3  [0x7fe27130735b]
> =================================
> ```
> Seems very suspicious. This is in the standard output and NOT in the 
> hotspot trace.
> This seems to suggest that libucs is installing an handler for signal 
> 11, and that this handler is accidentally triggered by Hotspot C1/C2 
> signals (Hotspot uses signals to handle certain events, such as NPEs) 
> - see this:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-dev/2011-March/003981.html
> It is likely that the UCX library installs an handler to detect issues 
> in memory access - but that doesn't go well with hotspot.
> There's an option in Hotspot to minimize signal usage (-Xrs) but that 
> will still install an handler for SIGSEGV, so it's useless in this 
> circumstance. Only running with "-Xint" (interpreted mode) allowed me 
> to run successfully.
> Maybe there's some configuration option that can be passed to UCX when 
> building to prevent this signal handler to be installed?
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> On 18/12/2020 14:10, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> Thanks - unfortunately libucx seems to be unavailable for Ubuntu 
>> 20.04/18.04 - I'll try to build the library from scratch and 
>> reproduce your issue.
>> Cheers
>> Maurizio
>> On 18/12/2020 12:56, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> the same code is running well inside a Docker container (Debian 11). 
>>> I use Debian as the base image because it provides packages for the 
>>> ucx development headers. For reference, here is my Dockerfile.
>>>     FROM debian:bullseye
>>>     # Use bash shell
>>>     SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
>>>     # Install packages
>>>     RUN apt update && apt install -y libucx0 libucx-dev curl unzip
>>>     zip wget llvm-9
>>>     # Install SDKMAN!
>>>     RUN curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
>>>     # Initialize SDKMAN!
>>>     RUN source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
>>>     # Install latest OpenJDK Panama nightly
>>>     RUN curl -s "https://coconucos.cs.hhu.de/forschung/jdk/install" |
>>>     bash
>>> Inside the built container I switch to the Panama JDK using "sdk 
>>> default java panama", jextract the ucp headers using "jextract -l 
>>> ucp -d . -t org.openucx /usr/include/ucp/api/ucp.h" and run a simple 
>>> programm using "java -Dforeign.restricted=permit --add-modules 
>>> jdk.incubator.foreign Main.java".
>>>     import org.openucx.ucx_h.ucp_params_t;
>>>     public class Main {
>>>         public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>             var layout = ucp_params_t.$LAYOUT();
>>>             System.out.println(layout);
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> The only difference I make with the other method (leading to a 
>>> segfault) is that I run jextract locally on my machine (Arch Linux), 
>>> compile the code afterwards and upload it to our cluster (CentOS). 
>>> Both machines have the same version (1.9) of ucx installed.
>>> Best regards
>>> Filip
>>> On 12/18/20 12:12 PM, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I ran the code on Linux (CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911) after 
>>>> installing the "ucx" package (version 1.9). I will create a Docker 
>>>> container with the environment to reproduce this issue for easier 
>>>> debugging.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Filip
>>>> On 12/17/20 10:49 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I haven't seen this particular one.
>>>>> What platform are you on? What do you need to reproduce?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>> On 17/12/2020 18:43, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I work on a simple wrapper for ucx 
>>>>>> (https://github.com/openucx/ucx) and am experiencing a 
>>>>>> segmentation fault when calling any generated method. The strange 
>>>>>> thing is that the segmentation fault disappears as soon as I 
>>>>>> attach a (remote) debugger and manually step through the code.
>>>>>>   * Screenshot - https://i.imgur.com/okl3epv.png
>>>>>> My code does only access a struct's layout. I don't create any 
>>>>>> additional threads.
>>>>>>    log.info("Starting");
>>>>>>    var layout = ucp_params_t.$LAYOUT();
>>>>>>    log.info("{}", layout);
>>>>>> The generated layout looks like this.
>>>>>>    static final MemoryLayout ucp_params$struct$LAYOUT_ =
>>>>>>    MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("field_mask"),
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("features"),
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("request_size"),
>>>>>>             C_POINTER.withName("request_init"),
>>>>>>             C_POINTER.withName("request_cleanup"),
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("tag_sender_mask"),
>>>>>>             C_INT.withName("mt_workers_shared"),
>>>>>>             MemoryLayout.ofPaddingBits(32),
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("estimated_num_eps"),
>>>>>>             C_LONG.withName("estimated_num_ppn")
>>>>>>    ).withName("ucp_params");
>>>>>> Is this a known Issue? I use the latest build from last night.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Filip

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