Joining the list

leerho leerho at
Sat Dec 19 23:11:38 UTC 2020

The Foreign Memory Access API has evolved to the point where I would like
to do some characterization studies on its performance compared to Unsafe.
We are currently stuck on JDK8/Unsafe and have been anxiously waiting for
this FMA API to become available where we can seriously consider moving
away from Unsafe.

At Verizon Media, we have a number of large systems processing massive data
that could benefit by this transition.

I am also the PMC Chair of the Apache DataSketches Project
<>. where we also use Unsafe to improve the
performance of our streaming algorithms that are used in a number of big
data applications.  We also have a number of large data processing
customers that use our sketches for processing massive data.  Our
DataSketches project also implements many of our streaming algorithms in
C++. So we would also be able to share with you how the same algorithm
performs in Java16(FMA), Java8(Unsafe), and C++.  Since all of our code is
open-source you would be able to see how we are implementing FMA (and
suggest ways we could do it better :) )

With a little bit of guidance from you folks, we are willing to do some
extensive testing and share with you the results.  The opportunity for you
would be to see how your proposed API actually performs in a real-world
application that may be different from what you have experienced.

To get started, I have one simple question: What IDE do you use for
development? Neither IntelliJ nor Eclipse supports JDK16 yet.  So I'm
curious how your team gets around this issue.

Lee Rhodes
Distinguished Architect, Verizon Media
VP, PMC Chair, Apache DataSketches Project

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