Joining the list

leerho leerho at
Tue Dec 22 06:38:45 UTC 2020

Thank you. This is very helpful and encouraging.  I have watched and read a
number of your tutorials, which are really excellent, by the way.  I was
hoping that you would be open for feedback and was the main reason that I
have reached out to this project.

We have been building high performance algorithms for a number of years now
so I think there is a lot We can share in terms of APIs that are really
useful to have.

Several years ago, I and another engineer built an open source package
called “Memory” which is very similar to the MemorySegment”.  But in
addition to Unsafe, we had to access hidden methods in ByteBuffer, Bits,
Cleaner, FileChannel, and MappedByteBuffer.  We completely replaced the
ByteBuffer API with a more comprehensive one and eliminated a number of
nasty usability bugs that still exist in BB.  This was all done long before
JDK9.  But as I stated earlier, we are stuck with JDK8 until we can
hopefully replace it with Panama.

I am anxious to get going on this study, but I’m afraid my progress will be
slow at first as I have to learn IntelliJ and Panama at the same time.

Thanks for your reply!


>From my cell phone.

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