some thoughts on panama/jextract
Michael Zucchi
notzed at
Wed Jan 1 23:06:54 UTC 2020
(btw the first example is broken, it's missing the import for Scope.
I develop and maintain a few jni bindings, mainly for OpenCL and
FFmpeg*. I don't think anyone else uses them anymore but so be it.
After a few iterations tackling the problem my chosen solution is just
to do almost everything in C: the java classes are mostly native object
methods, which take java objects (including arrays). The C handles most
of the translations with some occasional helper methods in java. This
makes for a clean java-nice interface but without having to *also* write
a bunch of boilerplate in java which is typically required when a
library is wrapped by implementing a big class of static methods which
take "c-friendly" types (e.g. jogamp). It also mostly transparently
handles platform differences, and since C has a preprocessor it's also
simpler to add api-difference handling code there as well (e.g. api
versioning or whatever). And honestly the JNIEnv api isn't all that bad
as far as C interfaces go and some simple helpers go a long way.
So obviously project panama / jextract could be of interest to me but my
initial impressions were 'this isn't going to be nice', and after
playing with it some i'm not sure 'this isn't even going to work' is too
far from the truth.
I went through some of the archives to see what's been discussed but
google was pretty useless at finding anything relevant so i apologise if
this has been covered, although I did see a few heated discussions which
cover some of the themes. And i'm sure there is awareness of the
issues. I will also add that I haven't played with it much yet, to get
a good grasp would require porting a project but i haven't decided yet
whether I want to go to that much effort.
First the not-very nice. The naming conventions are just ugly. Amongst
other things, getters/setters unlike any other in the java world, no
doubt for a reason but it still sux. Pointer.ofNull(), sigh. And why
the ugly 'x86_64' when 'amd64' is used everywhere else in java-land. In
general I can't see one would want to export any of these interfaces "as
is", either for simplicity or to make an oo api - so you will almost
always need to write substantial boilerplate anyway.
Now the real problems. Having the package/class names based on the
filename? How is that going to work? If you include <stdint.h> it
drags in about 100 other *system-specific* files on my computer
(slackware64-current). For starters, who knows where any of the
definitions reside - in c you don't care but now you've got a hard
dependency on some path which by design is supposed to be opaque. So
when you run jextract on another platform that doesn't use
glibc-your-specific-version all that java you needed to write to make
the api usable wont even compile (or worse, if you exposed it). Even
assuming that wasn't a problem, now you've got a usr.include.bits
package in your module so you have to rename it or the module wont play
well with others (just leading to redundancy and difficult code reuse
across projects). I tried various jextract args to whittle down the
generated classes but it still wants to grab a few things from
/usr/include/bits and that's just from including stdint.h, by default
jextract on libavformat.h generates a 500K jar. FFmpeg also has the
problem that many of the structure fields are read only or 'not public',
so wrapping everything creates unnecessarily large classes.
My first thought would be to wrap these "ugly" api's in self-contained
ones but that seems to defeat the purpose. I suppose it depends on
whether panama is designed to completely replace jni or just some of the
common "easy" cases.
Even if you ignore jextract and roll your own via the annotations you
run into some of the same problems: e.g. structures can change between
platforms, so now you need to include platform specific stuff in your
java, yet it provides no simple mechanism to deal with it. This is
pretty much a show-stopper on it's own.
In my experience the functions are the easier part, it's the structure
layout which is the bigger pain and while many api's have opaque handles
(e.g. opencl), many others don't (ffmpeg, vulkan).
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