MemoryAddress object changes once put into memory

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Jan 14 17:12:48 UTC 2020

On 14/01/2020 16:58, Ty Young wrote:
> On 1/14/20 10:46 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> On 14/01/2020 16:38, Ty Young wrote:
>>> On 1/14/20 10:34 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>> If I understand correctly your question, this is to be expected. 
>>>> What is really happening is that you are serializing a 
>>>> MemoryAddress into a 'long' (its address) and save it into native 
>>>> memory. Since we're really only storing a 64-bit number, all the 
>>>> characteristics of a MemoryAddress are lost after a store - such as 
>>>> the spatial and temporal bounds.
>>>> When you read that, later on, you just read a long, and the runtime 
>>>> will construct a MemoryAddress instance on top of that. Since no 
>>>> bound information is available, the runtime will resurrect that 
>>>> MemoryAddress as a Nothing-backed MemoryAddress. Which means the 
>>>> address will be unusable.
>>>> But if you are serializing and deserializing segments you know, you 
>>>> can do a rebase after the deserialization (the get() operation), so 
>>>> that your address will become functionally equivalent to the one 
>>>> you started with.
>>> Ah, OK. Thanks for the clarification.
>>> What would you use to rebase the segment with? Obviously when I go 
>>> to reconstruct the array in Java all I have is what's stored at that 
>>> same point in the larger segment:
>>>     @Override
>>>     public Array<E> getValue(int index)
>>>     {
>>>         MemorySegment elementSegment = 
>>> this.segment.asSlice(index*192, 192);
>>>         MemorySegment addressSegment = elementSegment.asSlice(0, 64);
>>>         MemorySegment layoutSegment = elementSegment.asSlice(64, 64);
>>>         MemorySegment lengthSegment = elementSegment.asSlice(128, 64);
>>>         VarHandle addressHandle = 
>>> MemoryHandles.varHandle(MemoryAddress.class, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
>>>         VarHandle layoutHandle = MemoryHandles.varHandle(long.class, 
>>> ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
>>>         VarHandle lengthHandle = MemoryHandles.varHandle(long.class, 
>>> ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
>>>         MemoryAddress address = 
>>> (MemoryAddress)addressHandle.get(addressSegment.baseAddress());
>>>         long layout = 
>>> (long)layoutHandle.get(layoutSegment.baseAddress());
>>>         long length = 
>>> (long)lengthHandle.get(lengthSegment.baseAddress());
>>>         return new MemoryArray(address, layout, length);
>>>     }
>>> So how do you go about rebasing something like this?
>> In your case there's not much you can do, other than to rebase to an 
>> unchecked segment - after all you know the length of the saved array 
>> (because you are storing and recovering it), so you could do:
>> MemoryAddress newAddress = 
>> address.rebase(ForeignUnsafe.ofNativeUnchecked(address, length))
> IIRC no decision has been made regarding the mechanism of making 
> ForeignUnsafe available and Netbeans isn't suggesting a class import. 
> Which module do I need to add for that?

No decision has been made yet.

For now you will need something like 

> Or is there any other "safe" way of implementing multi-dimensional 
> arrays that I'm not aware of?

It largely depends on how your implementation works - but if your 
mutidimensional array is just a sparse collection of pointers to other 
arrays with given size, which can live anywhere in memory, I don't think 
there's much you can do safely (at least not on top of my head).

If you implement a more dense representation (e.g. like a tensor - where 
elements are stored in a N1 * N2 * ... NM matrix) then you know by 
construction that rows, columns, elements will always be bound by the 
toplevel segment which contains the entire tensor. But a dense 
representation doesn't need pointers, so the code would be very 
different from the one you have.


>> Maurizio

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