[foreign-abi] RFR: 8248420: Add a variant of VaList::make which takes a NativeScope

Paul Sandoz psandoz at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jul 9 21:44:48 UTC 2020

On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 14:24:55 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jvernee at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> This patch adds overloads to several VaList related methods that might need to do allocations, namely, VaList::make,
> VaList::vargAsSegment, and VaList::copy.
> In order to share the existing code, I've added an `Allocator` helper interface that can wrap either a NativeScope, or
> be used as a functional interface to bind to MemorySegment::allocateNative.
> While testing this patch, I've also discovered a bug in the SysV implementation; The VaList::Builder was allocating a
> MemorySegment for the VaList, then creating the SysVVaList object wrapping that segment, and then filling in some of
> the contents of the segment. But, the SysVVaList constructor was also trying to read from the segment as well, and as a
> result was reading uninitialized fields. This is a problem when creating a VaList in Java, and then trying to read from
> it also in Java.  I've restructured the code a bit to fix this problem, moving the reading logic from the constructor
> to a static factory called readFromSegment, so that it's clear that only a fully initialized segment should be passed.
> The builder still calls the constructor directly, but it now requires all field values to be passed in explicitly.
> There was a similar problem in the AArch64 implementation, which I've tried to fix. Unfortunately I was not able to
> fully test this change since there was a failure elsewhere in the testing infrastructure, and I currently don't have
> direct access to an aarch64 machine to be able to debug that. I did end up fixing some build failures on aarch64 in the
> process though, which I will submit another PR for.  Thanks, Jorn

The API changes look good. I think some follow on work is required in the JavaDoc.

It's tempting to consider a `CNativeScope` extending `NativeScope`, perhaps making it slightly easier to allocate c
strings, va_lists etc. Something to consider later maybe.

It's been a while since i have used `va_list` and needed to refamiliarize myself with it :-)

I think the documentation could make clearer the side-effecting nature of obtaining arguments, and that the copy is a
copying the va_list at its current position.

`vargAsInt` reads the *next* argument as an int.

Referring to the copy as a view is likely misleading to Java developers. va_list is more like a cursor or iterator, and
its current state can be copied. A copy in this respect is useful for subsequent traversal at the current position, and
may be called at any point while traversing a va_list to traverse from the same position without affecting the position
of the source va_list and vice versa.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/237

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