[foreign-abi] RFR: 8248420: Add a variant of VaList::make which takes a NativeScope [v8]

Jorn Vernee jvernee at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jul 16 19:41:32 UTC 2020

> Hi,
> This patch adds overloads to several VaList related methods that might need to do allocations, namely, VaList::make,
> VaList::vargAsSegment, and VaList::copy.
> In order to share the existing code, I've added an `Allocator` helper interface that can wrap either a NativeScope, or
> be used as a functional interface to bind to MemorySegment::allocateNative.
> While testing this patch, I've also discovered a bug in the SysV implementation; The VaList::Builder was allocating a
> MemorySegment for the VaList, then creating the SysVVaList object wrapping that segment, and then filling in some of
> the contents of the segment. But, the SysVVaList constructor was also trying to read from the segment as well, and as a
> result was reading uninitialized fields. This is a problem when creating a VaList in Java, and then trying to read from
> it also in Java.  I've restructured the code a bit to fix this problem, moving the reading logic from the constructor
> to a static factory called readFromSegment, so that it's clear that only a fully initialized segment should be passed.
> The builder still calls the constructor directly, but it now requires all field values to be passed in explicitly.
> There was a similar problem in the AArch64 implementation, which I've tried to fix. Unfortunately I was not able to
> fully test this change since there was a failure elsewhere in the testing infrastructure, and I currently don't have
> direct access to an aarch64 machine to be able to debug that. I did end up fixing some build failures on aarch64 in the
> process though, which I will submit another PR for.  Thanks, Jorn

Jorn Vernee has refreshed the contents of this pull request, and previous commits have been removed. The incremental
views will show differences compared to the previous content of the PR.


  - all: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/237/files
  - new: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/237/files/028d1918..bbf92e28

 - full: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/237/webrev.07
 - incr: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/237/webrev.06-07

  Stats: 515 lines in 2 files changed: 53 ins; 335 del; 127 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/237.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign pull/237/head:pull/237

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/237

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