Memory Mapped file segment (file is empty)

Johannes Lichtenberger lichtenberger.johannes at
Thu Jun 25 07:24:10 UTC 2020

Hi Paul,

that's great. I guess usually there's a -dev and a -user Mailinglist,
that's why I thought it's for internal development topics.

I'm using AdpotOpenJDK, because I wanted to try Shenandoah, which is at
least not in the Oracle binaries.


BTW: My OS is Linux/Ubuntu.

Kind regards

Am Do., 25. Juni 2020 um 02:04 Uhr schrieb Paul Sandoz <
paul.sandoz at>:

> Hi Johannes,
> This is the correct list. Feedback on the API and its usability is very
> important, as well as whether the implementation works as expected.
> This was fixed in
> What JDK build are you using?
> Paul.
> On Jun 24, 2020, at 3:48 PM, Johannes Lichtenberger <
> lichtenberger.johannes at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess that's not the right mailinglist to ask for help with the API, but
> maybe you can point me at least somewhere.
> Currently I face the problem, that I can't get a memory segment on an empty
> file when I want to memory map a file. However, a writer would write to the
> memory mapped file.
> I want to be able to swap a rather old RandomAccessFile based
> implementation with a memory mapped file implementation. The two classes
> (actually three, but only the FileReader and FileWriter matters) are rather
> simple.
> The old package:
> and the new package
> This line fails if the underlying file size is 0:
> Stacktrace  (Precondition fails, so I'm not using the API in the intended
> way):
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested bytes size must be > 0.
> at
> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.Utils.makeMappedSegment(
> at
> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment.mapFromPath(
> at
> So, it might be easiest to write a more or less direct conversion to the
> Foreign Memory API. Maybe someone can help or point me to a helpful
> Mailinglist/Forum/whatever.
> Kind regards
> Johannes

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