[vector] RFR: Support non power-of-two and 2048-bit vector length for gather load/scatter store

Yang Zhang Yang.Zhang at arm.com
Mon Mar 9 06:44:57 UTC 2020

Thanks for your review.

> I presume that test also failed with your prior patch? Since the assert effectively inlines the check you had in the method:

No, these tests(Long/DoubleMaxVectorTests) succeed with my prior patch. Because method lowerHalfTrueMask() is called only with Max=no-power-of-two or 2048. So there isn't assert failure.
In such situation, vsp.vectorType() is DoubleMaxVector, and isp.vectorType() is also IntMaxVector. There isn't cast failure either.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at oracle.com> 
Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2020 12:59 AM
To: Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com>
Cc: panama-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [vector] RFR: Support non power-of-two and 2048-bit vector length for gather load/scatter store


> On Mar 6, 2020, at 2:50 AM, Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com> wrote:
>> When "isp.laneCount() != vsp.laneCount()” is true then I assume its always the case that the species vector type is DoubleMaxVector.
>> Is there anyway we could make this more explicit?
>> Can we refer directly to IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK as in:
>> assert vsp.vectorType() == DoubleMaxVector.class  .......
>> .fromArray(isp, indexMap, mapOffset, 
>> IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK)
> When "isp.laneCount() != vsp.laneCount()” is true, it means that DoubleMaxVector is non-power-of-two or 2048 etc. 128, 256, 512 are excluded. Because when vsp.vectorShap is 128/256/512, isp. vectorShape can be initialized as 64/128/256.
> "assert vsp.vectorType() == DoubleMaxVector.class" doesn't exclude 128/256/512. There are test failures in Double/LongMaxVectorTests.
> test DoubleMaxVectorTests.gatherDoubleMaxVectorTests(double[-i * 5], 
> index[random]): failure
> java.lang.ClassCastException: class 
> jdk.incubator.vector.IntMaxVector$IntMaxMask cannot be cast to class 
> jdk.incubator.vector.Int128Vector$Int128Mask

I presume that test also failed with your prior patch? Since the assert effectively inlines the check you had in the method: 

3745         // Generate lower half true mask for gather load/scatter store
3746         // for DoubleMaxVector.
3747         @ForceInline
3748         public final VectorMask<Integer> lowerHalfTrueMask() {
3749             if ((Class<?>) vectorType() == DoubleMaxVector.class) {
3750                 return IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK;
3751             }
3752             throw new AssertionError();
3753         }

> IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK can be used here, so method lowerHalfTrueMask can be removed.
> Please check this update.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~yzhang/vectorapi/vectorapi.2048npow/webrev
> .02/
> Regards
> Yang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at oracle.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 6, 2020 12:35 AM
> To: Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com>
> Cc: panama-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: [vector] RFR: Support non power-of-two and 2048-bit 
> vector length for gather load/scatter store
> Thank you this looks better.
> The fragility of the renamed method lowerHalfTrueMask still makes me uncomfortable.
> 3038         IntVector vix;
> 3039         if (isp.laneCount() != vsp.laneCount()) {
> 3040             // For DoubleMaxVector,  if vector length is 2048 bits, indexShape
> 3041             // of Double species is S_MAX_BIT. and the lane count of Double
> 3042             // vector is 32. When converting Double species to int species,
> 3043             // indexShape is still S_MAX_BIT, but the lane count of int vector
> 3044             // is 64. So when loading index vector (IntVector), only lower half
> 3045             // of index data is needed.
> 3046             vix = IntVector
> 3047                 .fromArray(isp, indexMap, mapOffset, vsp.lowerHalfTrueMask())
> 3048                 .add(offset);
> 3049         } else {
> When "isp.laneCount() != vsp.laneCount()” is true then I assume its always the case that the species vector type is DoubleMaxVector.
> Is there anyway we could make this more explicit?
> Can we refer directly to IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK as in:
>  assert vsp.vectorType() == DoubleMaxVector.class  ...
>  .fromArray(isp, indexMap, mapOffset, 
> IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK)
> ?
> Paul.
>> On Mar 4, 2020, at 11:07 PM, Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com> wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> Thanks for your review. I have updated the patch. Please check it.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~yzhang/vectorapi/vectorapi.2048npow/webre
>> v
>> .01/
>> Regards
>> Yang
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at oracle.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 10:14 AM
>> To: Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com>
>> Cc: panama-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: [vector] RFR: Support non power-of-two and 2048-bit 
>> vector length for gather load/scatter store
>> Hi,
>> Than you for applying some consistency to these operations.
>> VectorShape
>> Can you add a @throws to the JavaDoc of forIndexBitSize and also forBitSize?
>> ByteVector & ShortVector
>> Also change the mask accepting gather implementation to use the internal mask accepting stOp.  That implementation currently fails if any of the mask bits are not set.
>> X-Vector.java.template
>> 4389 #if[longOrDouble]
>> 4390
>> 4391         // Mask for gather load
>> 4392         @ForceInline
>> 4393         public final VectorMask<Integer> gatherMask() {
>> 4394             if ((Class<?>) vectorType() == $Type$MaxVector.class) {
>> 4395                 return IntMaxVector.IntMaxMask.GATHER_MASK;
>> 4396             }
>> 4397             throw new AssertionError();
>> 4398         }
>> 4399 #end[longOrDouble]
>> Hmm.. I am unsure about this since it’s a general method (should be package private) but only works in the case of when the vector type is of the max vector.
>> Is there a better way to surface this up since presumably this is called only when the vector type is of  max vector? Maybe be more explicit in the case of "isp.laneCount() != vsp.laneCount()”?
>> X-VectorBits.java
>> 699 #if[intAndMax]
>> 700         static final IntMaxMask GATHER_MASK = new IntMaxMask(maskLowerHalf());
>> 701 #end[intAndMax]
>> LOWER_HALF_TRUE_MASK is a wordier but more accurate description.
>> Paul.
>>> On Feb 13, 2020, at 10:32 PM, Yang Zhang <Yang.Zhang at arm.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm adding support non power-of-two and 2048-bit vector length for gather load/scatter store.
>>> Could you please help to review it?
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~yzhang/vectorapi/vectorapi.2048npow/webr
>>> e
>>> v
>>> .00/index.html
>>> No new failures with a full jtreg.
>>> In this patch, I made the following changes.
>>> 1. For gather load/scatter store, int array is used for index map. New index shape calculation function is added.
>>> For AArch64 SVE, the maximum of index bit size is  (2048/elementSize) * 32.
>>> Index increments is (128/elementSize) * 32. So that new index shape calculation function is added.
>>> 2. Use a gather mask to control index vector loading for long/double gather load/scatter store.
>>> When vector length is 2048 or non-power-of-two, e.g. SVE, there are 
>>> index out of bounds failures in long/double gather load test cases.
>>> Take 2048 as an example, in long gather load (fromArray), indexShape 
>>> of long species is S_MAX_BIT, and the lane count of long vector is 32.
>>> When converting long species to int species, indexShape of int 
>>> species is still S_MAX_BIT, but the lane count of int vector is 64.
>>> So when loading index vector (IntVector), unnecessary index data is loaded.
>>> If current vector is the tail, out of bounds failure happens.
>>> This failure is only for SVE. For X86, the reason why there isn't 
>>> such failure is that:
>>> i)  Byte/Short gather loads aren't intrinsified.
>>> ii) For X86 AVX512, indexShape(int index map, 8 elements) of
>>> long512/double512
>>> (8 elements) is initialized as S_256_BIT. For SVE with 512-bit 
>>> vector length, indexShape is initialized as S_256_BIT too. But for 
>>> SVE 2048-bit and non-power-of-two, there will be failures above.
>>> 3. Gather load and scatter store is a pair of similar operations. One solution should be applied to them.
>>> The original java implementations of gather load and scatter store are different.
>>> Vector                            gather load                             scatter store
>>> Int or float                    With intrinsification               With intrinsification
>>> Long or Double            With intrinsification               With intrinsification
>>>                                     Get indexShape directly        Get indexShape indirectly
>>>                                     Normal index loading             Special controlled index loading
>>> Byte or short                Without intrinsification         With intrinsification, no instruction support on x86/arm
>>> I think gather load and scatter store is a pair of similar operations. One solution should be applied to them.
>>> Based on above, I use a simple implementation for them.
>>> Vector                            gather load/scatter store
>>> Int or float                    With intrinsification
>>> Long or Double            With intrinsification
>>>                                     Get indexShape directly
>>>                                     Special controlled index loading
>>> Byte or short                Without intrinsification
>>> If any problem, please let me know.
>>> 4. Some assertions that vector length is power of two are removed.
>>> 5. Add comments for gather load intrinsification.
>>> Regards,
>>> Yang
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