[foreign-jextract] [Rev 01] RFR: 8240811: jextract generates non-compilable code for name collision between a struct and a global variable

Maurizio Cimadamore mcimadamore at openjdk.java.net
Wed Mar 11 14:33:46 UTC 2020

On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 14:32:28 GMT, Athijegannathan Sundararajan <sundar at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> names are mangled when there are collisions.
> Athijegannathan Sundararajan has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last
> revision:
>   added a FIXME for tree transformer (for name mangling and other such steps)

Looks good - as per offline discussion, we need to think about a general tree transform step which we can use to do
things like these. The fact that some types can also refer back to declaration makes it less trivial than in the old


Marked as reviewed by mcimadamore (Committer).

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/44

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