Build fail: interface MemoryAddressProxy not exported

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Fri Mar 13 01:06:38 UTC 2020

Seems to work here... I don't get that warning.

Also, it's a weird one, MemoryAddressImpl is not a class exported by the 
jdk.incubator.foreign module, so I'm a bit confused.

Anybody else can reproduce this?


On 12/03/2020 22:33, Ty Young wrote:
> Hi,
> Current foreign-jextract builds fail with:
> /home/ty/Downloads/panama-foreign-foreign-jextract2/src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/ 
> warning: [exports] interface MemoryAddressProxy in module java.base 
> may not be visible to all clients that require this module
> public final class MemoryAddressImpl implements MemoryAddress, 
> MemoryAddressProxy {
> MemoryAddressProxy isn't even used in public API besides VarHandle 
> get() and set() methods(even then, it's not transparent) so I'm 
> assuming this is being leaked in error.

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